
Should I be an Actress??

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I have always been into movies not because they looked good, but because i try to figure out how they act it out. i have been in Sicn language for 2 years now.(sign language is mostly acting) i wanted to be in theater so i signed up.. they told me to sign up for theater 2 because theater 1 would be too easy for me.. i have dreamed about being an actress ever since i can remember.. should i follow my dreams?

advice please....




  1. NO! jk. h**l yeah. go for it. i used to be in drama all of high school. now look at me. semi successful filmmaker and hollywood actor seen in mostly independent films


    if you think theater and drama is what your destined to do you go right ahead and do it. its gonna be a long an hard road but i think that if you accomplish it, it would be amazing!

    There your dreams and you should follow them. dont let anyone stop you by tellin you your not good enough because u can do anything you want :] i dream of becoming one too an im slowly but steadily getting there andd all i can say is follow your dreams an treat possibilities as probabilities :] good luck!!!

  3. I believe God gives us certain dreams for a reason. But, at times they may change. Anyway, being in "the business," let me tell you, it is not easy ... it is something you need to work hard to do ... very hard, and rarely with any payoff. If you really want to be in the business, know that others here do also ... many starving, and living in cars to follow this dream.

    Nonetheless, if this is your dream ... prepare. Prepare as an actor, and with other skill to bring to the table such as dance, singing, martial arts, skateboarding, etc, etc. Take classes. And, then, be willing to come to Hollywood or New York or such with enough money to support yourself awhile, and have a way to make money and still be flexible enough to audition and book.

  4. If acting is your passion then absolutely go for it BUT I have to say that sign language is not acting... It's absolutely a great skill but it is not acting.  You also don't generally get to skip a level of theatre because someone believes level 1 is too easy.  You need to speak to the teacher and explain why you believe it is too easy.  Perhaps you've had prior training.  Perhaps you have experience.  If the answer is no, then you should never assume you are too good for anything and learn from the begining.  Acting like anything else has fundamental skills.  You can't learn to read without learning your ABC's... I don't know who "they" are but "they" aren't doing you any favors by telling you to skip a level.  Elementary skills may turn out to be easy for you, but you still need to know what they are and put them into practice.

    Also, if you are serious about acting then high school classes only take you so far.  You'll need to find a good studio to continue studying.  You also need to be auditioning for community theatre and anything else you can.  Build a resume.

    good luck,


  5. Yes, definately follow through if you dream it! I'm in advanced theatre, and it is a wonderful experience, even though I'm going into college for music and in life. I would never change the experience and fun and things I've learned in theatre. This seems to be your passion and your dream, go for it!

    It will get hard at times, but if you're really passionate about it, you'll get through it! I think this would be an outstanding opportunity for you and you should take it.

    Show them what you've got!!

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