
Should I be an artist or a nurse?

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I'm so frustrated choosing a career path. Alot of people love my artwork and say I should be a tattoo artist or just draw for people, but I don't see it as a career. I know its a gift but I don't think I would enjoy it as a job. I want to help people because I'm a compassionate person and thats when I start thinking about nursing but I wasn't too sure about it. I just need some advice because this has been going on for months.




  1. People rarely stick with one job their entire lives... often changing up to 6 times.

    My sister was gonna be a lawyer but now she's heading to be a teacher-- getting a certificate and all.

    My dad was a computer analyst guy, then he wanted to be an accountant, and he was pretty successful (after he dropped out of one college and went to an engineering school across the U.S.A), but then he met up with the Unification Church and after some years was a life insurance person, a real estate broker, a bus driver and stock trader, and then we moved accross the globe and then he's a manager at a coffee farm, development director, and into real estate again... and he's heading up his own stuff.

    You take what life hits you with... and do your best.. and hopefully be happy.  

    Maybe you'll like this video:

    I think people only live half their lives. At certain times.

    Maybe you should read "The Alchemist," and "What's so Great About Christianity," which is by Denish D'Souza...

    They could help you a little.

  2. Do both.  The reality is that financially, a nurses salary is much more stable and predictable.  For me, being a nurse has been the best decision I ever made. I started out as an ER  staff  nurse 20 years ago.. Now I own my own consulting agency.

    My first love was piano and still is, however I play in my free time, and am now songwriting as an outlet.  was not confident that my piano skills would be enough to pay the bills.  

    Continue with your art - but choose nursing as your career..

  3. I'd recommend that you pursue the nursing path, only because it's always safe to have a good fall back plan. This way you can start taking college courses and keep drawing/painting as a hobby (or even take a course or two). Nursing will never go out of demand, so you will be able to support yourself with more stability than just being a sketch artist (or tattoo - > is this really a long term career?).

    But, it's definitely YOUR life. You have to negotiate between what will make you happy and what will pay the bills.

    Good Luck!

  4. be a nurse, but keep doing your art on the side.

  5. Why not do both? Or choose whichever you have a true passion for. If you are just becoming a nurse because of the promising career path and because of money, then in the long run, will you really be happy? Though if you really enjoy helping others then go for it! The same goes for art, if you are just following that path because others told you too then it may not be the best choice. Then again if you really love it and you will be happy doing it then go for it, haha. Just remember, you will be doing this the rest of your life (most likely) so make sure it is something you really love to do and you will be happy doing!

  6. if you're good at something... never do it for free.

    perhaps a career as a nurse, and tattoos or drawing as kind of a side thing? it will keep you busy, and it should be interesting.

  7. well an artist can't be much money maker so be a nurse and just sell your work as a bonus..that's what im gonna do

  8. DO BOTH!!!  : D

    Do you realize how exotic would that make you, to be a nurse and an artist?!

    How that defies so many stereotypes for artists!

    And with the money you make you can buy your art supplies, cause trust me, you will be so stressed as a nurse, you will enjoy coming home and doing something creative.

  9. My advice is to try both, nobody is limited to doing one thing.

    See which you do like doing more in the real world.

  10. Artists can make a living.   I have hired and worked with number of well paid graphic artists and web designers.   It's a great job to do if you like freelancing (working from home, etc).  

    Nursing definitely offers more job stability though, along with the reward of helping people.   No matter how bad off the economy is.....there is going to be a job for nurses.

    Ultimately, someone on here could decide as well as they can pick what you want to eat for lunch.   It's something you have to decide.

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