
Should I be angry after finding out my 17-year-old daughter owns th0ngs?

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I was going through her room while she was at work. I'm thinking about throwing them away. I'm also against "boy shorts" or whatever that junk is called. Some of her undies are made out of lace and it just bothers me.




  1. There is nothing wrong with it...

  2. um no, its just a freakin thong, get over it lol its pretty normal.

    its not like you found a positive pregnancy test, then it would be okay to freak out.

  3. i think your being over dramatic!!! It's just underwear, they may be inappropriate for a young girl but she's 17. What you think she's never going to own a thong. Pick your battles

  4. umm, she's 17 hun. theyre just underwear. not a big deal. why are you snooping through your almost adult daughters panties?? wtf?

  5. no dont be angry mom... shes growing up.... let her grow up a bit

  6. No. It's her choice what underwear she wears.

    You don't have to be a certian age to buy underwear

  7. Pick your battles dad.  Is she a good kid?  good grades?  polite? helps around the house?   Believe me, I can think of much worse things.  Please put it into perspective.

    It's just underwear.  And if she's in school and doing gym classes that is the type of stuff she see's and is just fitting in.

    Now if she's showing it off to her boyfriend, then I'd draw the line.  

    You might not like it, but you don't have to wear it.

    AND what were you doing going through her stuff any way????

  8. she is 17 not 5 you should not be anger........ thong & boy shorts are jus bout all teenage girls wear.........

  9. Please grow up and move on.  Stop going through your daughter's things and pawing at her underwear.  Throwing them away just shows how childish you are.  

  10. she is 17. she will just go buy more and there is nothing wrong with what she wears. she is old enough to decide for herself. and i can not believe you are going through her stuff that is just wrong that is her private property. if you dont like those underwear you should not wear them but she can.

  11. Be glad she's wearing underwear. (Think Brittany Spears)

    Hey, she's 17 and wants pretty undies. She's a girl. It's okay. Pretty undies doesn't make her a bad girl. If you find drugs, booze, and/or pregnancy tests then you have a problem.

    It's okay, Dad.  

  12. I think they are appropriate. I have been wearing them forever, because they are comfy. I mean if they aren't hanging out of her pants then it's fine. They are just underwear.

  13. 1. No.  They are legally required to sell to anyone who has the money that hasn't caused trouble there.

    2. Most women that wear them(Heaven only knows why, as uncomfortable as they are) usually don't let it show, which raises my question as to why bother with them?  But anyway, most women who wear them wear pants over them

    3. Short shorts are just plain trashy, so if she has them, tell her she's not allowed to wear them while living under your roof.  Or are boy shorts something else?

    Who's buying her underwear?  If your wife is buying them, that's fine.  As long as they aren't stolen.  If they are stolen, feel free to take her over your knee and beat her hind end.

  14. No, it's her body and it isn't hurting anyone. I'd be extremely creeped out if my dad was going through my room and through my underwear. You're the one with the sick problems, not her.

  15. First of all no Its normal shes 17 its not like shes 12 I was wearing them when I started high school which was 15 there underwear there comfy you don't get a wedgy b/c you already got one and its her stuff why you going through her stuff its called privacy who cares if your her dad come on! Its underwear!

  16. Hey, you know to her.  Tell her you found them.  This will require admitting that you were going thru her room, however, but throwing them away would blow that secret out of the water anyway.  

    If you thought you raised her differently then maybe you should tell her that.  Tell her why you don't like them...could it be that you are afraid this means she's sexually active and showing them to someone other than who she sees in the mirror?  That's what I'd be afraid of.  Tell her that you're NOT lecture, do NOT go on too long.  Tell her you found them, open a dialog with her, have a real conversation, try to get her to open up to you.  But don't be "angry"...that will shut her down immediately.  Be caring, concerned and loving but as truthful as you can be.  Warning: If she feels there will be or are negative repercussions to telling you the truth then you're giving her incentive to lie.

    Just don't ask her anything with a certain answer that you're expecting.  Don't ask questions you aren't ready to hear the truthful answer to...

    Good luck!! Take good care of you both...

  17. well, im going to stick up for her with the thongs... some pants show your under ware line and it's pretty embarrassing.  she would probably get made fun of.  the boy shorts tho... i love them it's more of a comfort thing.  lace... hmm i'd say it makes her feel pretty.  doesn't mean she is showing anyone.  does she change for gym or anything?  she can't be caught in the locker room wearing gramma panties!  :)  

  18. Obviously this is a troll, no mother goes through her childs room to throw away thongs and detail laced underwear and boy shorts, mothers who pay attention to their daughters already know what they are into, and daughters that have mothers who are like this one, dont leave their "naughty" underwear out to actually be easily discovered by their weirdo mom, especially not the tags from "lane bryant" so the mom can further humiliate her daughter online by suggesting she is overweight and plus sized.

    This is a Loser, looking for responses.  

  19. I can understand if she was 14 and wearing thongs (that's wrong), but 17? What's wrong with that? She's one year from an adult and every girl I know wears booty shorts. Nothing wrong with them. Thongs aren't always just for trying to be "s**y" its sometimes used so you won't have a panty line when wearing dress pants. Personally I don't see what the problem is. She's almost an adult. If you're worried about her using thongs to give off the vibe she wants s*x, talk to her about it. It may be awkward, but you'll be closer afterwards. If you're that worried put her on the pill. hope I helped.

  20. I don't understand why your so concerned.  She probably wears thongs because they feel comfortable for her.  That's why I choose to wear them and what else is their for her to wear if your taking away all her options.  

  21. First off if a 10 year old wants to buy a thong, they can.  Theres no laws against it.  Second off, why were you going through your daughters underwear drawer?

  22. Nope it's not a problem.  Lace panties make less of a panty line.  Some women like them because they are cooler.  (I didn't ask.) Boy shorts also cover more thank other panties. Throw them away and it'll be a power struggle.  She'll be in college in a year.

    It's also a style thing.  Girls just like to feel pretty for themselves, not necessarily for anyone else.

  23. 1 you shouldnt be mad its her choice what she wants to wear UNDER her clothes and 2 you cant press charges on lane bryant for selling UNDERWEAR. this is exactly what this world is coming to a sue happy world.  

  24. It's her own underwear, what's the big deal? Maybe she finds it more comfortable? If you're against "boy shorts", then don't wear them, if she likes them, she should wear them. It's just panties, is this something really to get angry about?

  25. She is 17, quite honestly she probably has been wearing them for a little while now.

    There is no use in throwing them away, because she will probably just buy more.

    Either talk to her about it, or just forget about it

    Depends where you are but in Australia you are leagally allowed to have s*x at 16 so..... yeah..... 17 is not that young to wear a thong.

  26. If I were her, I would be angry that her father was going through my room while I was at work. Especially her underwear drawer.....

    Okay, I'm thinking this question is probably not real, since you want to sue Lane Bryant (what, you read the tag, too....LOL) but just in case it is.......She works, she has her own money, she can buy what she wants.

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