
Should I be angry at little kids?

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My neighborhood has a lot of these little kids around age 4-10. There are usually about 10 of them outside my house everyday. They constantly scream, laugh, and shout loudly all day long. Should I say something about this or no?




  1. kids will be kids. i work in a 3 year old class every sunday!!! maybe ask them NICELY to be a little quieter but don't shout at them 'cause u will hurt their feelings. ok i may be 13 but i know how 2 handle these situations! ;D if they continue 2 be loud ask them again a little firmer not louder FIRMER if it continues tell the parents it should stop there but yet if it STILL continues then u have a problem tell the parents they cease to stop if it STILL continues then u may yell but don't threaten them. if it is still going on email me.


  2. You can be annoyed, but they are kids. They are enjoying their summer just like I'm sure you did when you were little.

    Just think, school is just around the corner.

  3. I am a mom of a 3 year old, they do tend to get overly excited and forget to have their manners, I would suggest asking them nicely and if they dont respond, possibly ask the parents to play elsewhere in a different area that may not be so distracting

  4. if they are nosiy during daytime, i guess you could still tolerate it, but if it goes on during nighttime, i guess its just normal for you to say something. but if it was my kid, i prefer if the neighbour would be telling me their concern rather than him/her talking to my kid directly. kids are kids, theyre meant to have fun while theyre young since they dont worry about things most adults worry about :) if you tell them directly to shut up or that theyre too loud, chances are, this could have a negative effect on them.. for the rest of their lives, so i suggest if its really bothering you, you go and talk to the parents :)

  5. I would run outside and chase them away with a rolling pin.

  6. youre  wasting  your  breath  talking  to  the  kids,

    in any caser  its  the  parents  who  are  to  "blame" for  the  kids  behaviour.

    I completely  sympathize  with  the  screaming  part but  they  are  kids  and  you  will  just  be  looked  at  as  a  grumpy  old  man.

    if  it  is  a residential  neighborhoud  you  are  in  you  may  want  to  consider  selling  up  and  moving  to  an  adults  only  complex but  then  you  have  parties  to  contend  with.  

    Depending  on  your  age  you  could  try  a  retirement community  but  then  youre  just  replacing  other  peoples  kids  with other  peoples  grandkids.

    or  you  could  spend  some  time  and  money  soundproofing  your  home.

  7. You have every right to be angry. If you know their parents, go over and talk to their parents saying that you'd prefer if they play somewhere else because the noise is annoying you. Say it nicely or else they'll probably tell the kids to be louder.

  8. Join in the fun! As little kids, they have a right to be having fun. if u do want them to quiet down then talk to them. dont scream at them.

  9. They are just having fun. Try practising some meditation, you can't let little things like that stress you out. You need to become a more calmer person

  10. I wouldn't be mad at them. They are doing what kids do, and what you probably did when you were young. You might ask them to play a few houses down instead of right in front of yours though.

  11. Okay, they are little kids who are just having fun playing. How can you be angry at the joy of children? What I advise is to make yourself something cold to drink, grab a magazine you really don't care to read in great detail, and sit on your porch. Children can be really amusing if you try to see them in a positive light.

  12. Kids are Kids you cant stop kids from having fun!!! just go play with them. then it wont be so annoying because your having fun. if not then just buy some ear plugs and that'll do it! lol

  13. Don't be such a *****!  They are little kids! I hate kids too, but come on!   Let them have their fun, childhood is only so long and you were probably the same.

    If you do something you will just likely find eggs all over your house the next day anyways!

  14. They are kids being kids but this makes me wonder where their parents are.  If they are standing in front of your house and not  theirs I think it would be perfectly reasonable to ask them nicely to go hang out in front of their own homes.  Tell them you need it to be quiet at your house and that you would appreciate it if they could play down the street at their house instead.  If the kids keep coming around you could always call Child Protective Services (through the police department) and tell them you are worried that the kids aren't being looked after properly.  Make sure you tell them that these are all young kids who really aren't age appropriate to be left alone on the street.  They usually send someone to come talk to the kids and the parents about appropriate and safe places to hang out.

  15. You can be angry all you want but kids will be kids. Being loud is what they do, I know, I have 3 myself. But, you also have a right to some peace. If they are really bugging you, don't yeall at them just ask their parents to ask them to not be so loud.

  16. welcome to summer vacation, think about all the neighbors you annoyed as a kid and never realized it, cause you were just playing with friends. shut windows and turn AC on,  that is what I do when my own 4 kids who are two girls 16 and 14 and two boys 12 and 10 are playing outside with friends on trampoline or playing volleyball or wiffle ball or basketball and I am trying to read or do paper work for work.

  17. hey bro, don't get angry at them, they at their growing and learning stage still, let them know how noisy they get, and if that doesn't work,you can always tell their parents, after all its your house their hanging around.

  18. Are they being bad?  At least they're not like the little gang in my neighborhood that walks down the MIDDLE of the street and doesn't move when cars come.  Little b******s.  >:-|

  19. you can be angry. but instead go over to the kids and ask them if they'd mind playing elsewhere or keep it down.

  20. Don't be angry at the kids, be angry at the parents.... And ask them to keep it down and maybe they will get a clue and not hang near your house.

  21. No... stop being so grouchy their just having fun, and if you say anything they will hate you and probably start trying to p**s you off

  22. kids are annoying at times if u really feel the need to say something then do so but dont expect friendly words or gestures in returns kids can be rather cruel

  23. I can sympathize with this guy.  I'm a mother, I've worked in a daycare and my apartment complex has a TON of kids... UNSUPERVISED...roaming around causing havoc.  I tried the patiently waiting them out, I tried joining in (h**l, I painted faces and twisted balloon animals) and you know what that got me?  Because the kids were riding through the cars with their bikes it got my door and hood scratched, rocks got thrown into the pool so they delayed opening the pool this summer and lots of things were vandalized.  Someone needs to monitor these kids and if no one is out there to find out what the ruckus is about then it could be trouble.  Call the police (not 911) and ask them to drive by on occassion, don't report anything unless you actually see something. Good luck.

  24. It's alright to say something, but do it in a proper way. If you go over with an attitude saying how the little brats are bothering the **** out of you, the parents won't comply and will almost keep doing it to rub it in due to the attitude.

    If you go over and kindly say "I understand that kids need to play and that it's great they are getting fresh air, but I also live here and they seem to be disturbing me quite a bit, there is just no break, i hear them everyday and I was wondering if you could ask them to not scream so loud, or have them play on the other side of the house, or take turns going over their friends houses"

    Just be honest with the parents/guardian, and I'm sure they will understand, or at least try to help you out once realizing that the kids are causing a problem.

  25. definitly. if its bothering you, and your letting it get to you, go ahead and say something. Dont let the whole "I'm Being a good neighbor" get to you. Nobody has the right to disturb you like that while your just trying to rellax on your own property. Just go easy and try to talk calmly so all feelings are spared. =)

  26. You'll become like my old neighbors the spinster sisters who got pissed if we hit their aluminum roof with a wiffle ball. Years later they seem like old geezers with no humor and probably were.

  27. you could ask for them to move along to in front of the next house but kids nowadays  ughhh you could post a sign outside your house stating no trespassing and point to the sign and say move along.......or you could buy a very mean dog and stick him out there but that s not to say his barking at them all day is not gonna bother you too......or get a nice stereo and blast nirvana not too loud though or the cops will be called to u

  28. Yes. Or drown them out with loud, obnoxious music. Eventually someone will notice that it happens whenever they are loud and bitchy. Or you could do what's fun and trank them all and leave them in a ditch close enough for them to get to their houses. That leaves a lasting effect, just do it from a bush so they don't see who's doing it.

  29. I would get a loudspeaker and tell them to get off my lawn and away from my house, then I would hang out all day in front of my house, relaxing on a lawn chair with my hose in hand and squirt the little booger eaters when they'd come close to my house, my lawn or made any noise that would disturb me!

    Yes, I am evil!! LOL

  30. h**l yah... i would put up a sign.. private property... violators will be prosecuted... then when u see them... don't say a thing.. call the police say that there are too many kids on your property being rowdy... and that u don't see any parents around... trust me they come to your residence in a flash...

  31. i hate little kids. you don't want to let the kids know you don't like them, because they'll just go out of their way to annoy you more. Find out who the parents are and tell them.

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