
Should I be bothered that I've slept with more girls than my boyfriend?

by Guest33605  |  earlier

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He doesn't seem to be very experienced & I don't have much patience. What can I do?




  1. Teach him.

  2. no, you should let him join in, or me if hes notup to the task

  3. You are in luck I am an expert Sexologist and I do house calls.


    call me!

  4. if you're serious, yes.

    if that statement is hypothetical, then no

  5. Guido will sleep with your boyfriend if that helps.


  6. I'm starring this because I think I'm your boyfriend and need to know. I gotsta know.

  7. If you're a girl, then you're my dream.

    No, teach him a thing or two.

  8. You can let him have s*x with more women

  9. Yes, move on to a dood who is experienced.

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