
Should I be charged without intent to leave a secene of accident?

by  |  earlier

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Hello! sir: I really didn't know that my car was involved in an

accident before the policeman called me,the story was; I entered into

my car

which was parked on the parking lot after i finished shopping. I drove

back my car,then truned

left, and at that time I didn't notice anything happened until I went

home and the policeman called me that i was involved in an accident

and that i failed to reoport it. It was at that time when I found a


tiny scratch at the back of my car on the left back side.I went to

police station to report it,

both cars dameages are less than $1000. It was just a scratch. Police

gave me a ticket for not report collision and asked me to go to court.

A few days ago,i went the court for trial. Judge decided to delay

because too busy for other cases. But they gave us a deal ($287 with


demerites). If i accept it, the case is closed. I did not really


know this accident, should I accept this deal? The judge gives anoth




  1. I have to question the validity of your story... on one note...

    If said accident happened in a parking lot, I highly doubt that the police would be sighting you for leaving the scene.  Normally on private property, they have no jurisdiction as far as "traffic" is concerned.  It has been my experience that if the other party had reported that you hit their car, the police would have contacted you and informed you of said "accident" and given you the contact information of the other party.  Usually the insurance companies are the ones that "battle" things out in cases that take place on private property, not the police.

    It might do you some good to contact an attorney and get an idea from them where you stand.  Just make sure you have all the facts when you go see the attorney.  No need to waste your money and the attorney's time.  

    Good luck to you....

  2. You are extremely fortunate to be offered such a low price deal.

    Depending on what happened to the other motorist, or what they claimed to the police, you could be in jail right now, facing charges for hit & run.  You could be losing your license for being so oblivious to what was going on around you that you did not even know you had been in an accident.

  3. your evidence that when the accident occured while you were shopping is the shopping ticket..................and the parking lot surveilance camera video(if the store has).

  4. It depends on your states laws but..................

    All motor vehicle accidents that occur on private property are CIVIL matters, not CRIMINAL matters.

    It means the police would not have been obligated by law to investigate the accident unless it was concidered a DWI, assault or a hit-and-run.

    I recommend you recreate your accident by parking your car in the exact place it was just prior to the collision and, with the help of a friend perhaps, take some good clear photos or video footage of the area.

    Be prepared to cite measurements, times and climate conditions for the day in question.

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