
Should I be concerned? My husband is out very late!?

by  |  earlier

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My husband left the house at 4pm to go to a baseball game with some friends. It's now 1am and he's not answering his phone, neither are his friends.

Is this just "boys being boys" or what? Should I be persistent and hunt his probably sloppy drunk butt down, or just go to bed and hope he makes it back okay?

I never know what to do in times like this! I don't want to be the psycho wife, but shouldn't a spouse let the other know that they're going to be gone this long? His phone may be dead and that's why he's not answering, but I seriously doubt that everyone's phones are dead.

What would you do?




  1. its all in what you except you must be unattractive desperate women to let him treat you like that

  2. That you want to be informed if he is out late is NOT what you told him. You told him he can not see his friends. Tell him to inform you if he stays out late, if it is what you want, I am sure he will do that.

  3. prolly just having a good time at a noisy bar and he can't hear his phone ringing... relax and deal with it when he comes home safely... let him have his fun with the boys...

    but i agree that he should at least let you know that he's fine so you wouldn't worry...

    note:  if his phone rings 4 or more times then goes to voicemail, his phone is on but he just couldn't hear it ringing... one or no rings straight to voicemail phone is off/dead...

  4. Bolt the door, get into bed and go to sleep.

    He can sleep in the car when he gets home.

  5. Was  he driving when he left home or was he picked up by

    buddies?  If you are in small town or you are pretty sure where they would go  you could go get him if you have a car. Might save you a lot of grief.  Give him a big hug and say your so glad he is safe ( ie. don't embarrass him in front of his buddies ). Then take his butt right home. Then tomorrow give him a good talking to.  Then schedule a night out with the girls and stay later then you told him you were going to but call and explain why at scheduled time to be home, and model adult behavior for your

    good luck wish you the best.  Just a suggestion for you.  

  6. wen he gets home ask him if hes ok becuz you were worried for him and he didn't pick up his cell and see wat he answers back try to act like if your not mad cuz that wat he wants that way he wont give no explanation. den next time he goes out go spy on him that way you wont be thinking alto of things.he has to let you know were is at  your his wife not his friend so he cant be doing that to you.

  7. i agree with jenny, lock up the house and try to get some sleep. turn off the ringer in your home phone and turn off your cell phone. that way if he does head back home and tries to call you to open up the door, you also won't hear him and your cell phone's off. its his turn to wait and sleep in the car not knowing when you will open the door. hehe...

    if he's staying out that late with the boys, the least he could do is give you a call. such an ***.

  8. its usually a sure sign that a guy is nailing some p***y hun, are you not giving him enough of the good stuff hun ?

  9. I'd wait at home, after all he is your husband and not your child.  You can bet that I would have a good talk with him the next day though. I would make it clear that I did not appreciate him being gone so long without a courtesy call to let me know that he was ok. Tell him that you don't care how long he stays out for but you do expect him to come home at night. At least that's my rule. He'd better call me to pick him up if he's had a few drinks, there is no staying over at a friend's house allowed.  Every marriage is based on trust, and courtesy as well.  Relax, I'm sure he is ok; however I'd let him know that what he did tonight is not acceptable!

  10. you need to start laying down the law..

    yeah my husband works hard too and im a stay at home mom but that doesnt mean he gets to treat me like c**p and stay out all night long with single guys.

    my husband knows he has responsibilities and he doesnt go out ever because he'd rather stay home.

    you really need to talk to him and let him know that yall are husband and wife and he needs to treat you with respect and if he wants to go out late with friends he needs to let you know where hes going and tell him to keep that d@mn phone ON.

    that or he can sleep outside with the dogs.. (if you have any) :))

  11. I know how you feel, my musician bf does this c**p a lot

    I don't think he's cheated

    But drinks and single girls seem like one day will equal trouble

    If your guy does it here and there, no big deal, but tell him to be a little thoughtful and give you a call or answer his phone so you don't have to think he is a typical American idiot that is s******g some ho behind your back. Tell him you deserve better than that!

    If he does it all the time, you have to weigh whether he has been honest to you and generally treats you right and possibly cut some slack.

    Otherwise, don't rush to have kids and get further trapped. he is showing some red flags!

  12. I read your post and I shake my head.

    He is doing what you allow him to do.

    Thats a No No for a married man. He is not single anymore. He has responsibilities and you should come first.

    It would be a red flag for me if my husband did not come home right after the game and had turned his phone off. To top it all off, his buddies don't answer theirs. -Something is up with that sister.

    I'd put all that nonsense to a halt.

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