
Should I be concerned about breakup?

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I broke up with boyfriend who insisted I stay on phone with him. He showed insecurities that caused nothing but arguments. I work nights and he wanted me to text him at 6am or call, then will not let me off the phone so I can sleep. He kept calling me, then when I refused to answer the phone he started to text mean messages, with the last one telling me to go to h**l. This from a man who claimed to love me. He even came to my home and kept ringing the door bell and banging on my bedroom windows. I didn't mind sending a text or calling him, but he gets mad when u r ready to get off the phone. So to cut down on arguments I would just not call until I woke up. This man claims he is a man of god and swears he has visions and that they come true. So now he says I will get mine, because god is the judge. If u don't answer his questions immediately he nit picks and keeps after u which ends up in an argument. He has done this before. He also starts telling me things like his family and friends all said I was no good anyway. He has said these things before, but then has no problem getting back together. It's just this time I refuse to go back to him. Now he does nothing but say nasty things and bad mouths me to anyone who will listen. Let me add that this man will stay on the phone 24 seven. Even when he works his 12 hour shift he calls me and will talk for hours about nothing. I can't relax at home, watch tv etc. for him being on the phone. Its as if he is phone sitting. Every conversation is about people I don't know, and women he claims wants him. t a pastor accusing him of trying to get with his wife. He talks real ugly about his soon to be ex-wife. Their children ages 5-10 have cell phones to talk to him. He questions them trying to see what their mother is doing then badmouths her. He wants to know where they are, when they are going to eat, then talks about the ex if it's not what he feels it should be. I use to talk to him for long periods but got tired of his endless conversations about nothing.




  1. thats waaay to long to read

  2. that is kind of long to read..

    anyways this guy sounds like a nutcase and if your not careful you could really set him off if you haven't already.. if you can I would stay at a friends house that he may not know where they live and in the meantime consider restraining order.  He is still married?  does his ex wife know he is spying on her through his kids? i would maybe give her a call and let her know he is doing this. change your number and try to get this guy completely out of your life.. it will be hard but seriously. he sounds like a nutcase and i wouldnt feel safe knowing he knows where I am.

    you did a good thing by breaking it off with him.. good luck and hope things get better.

  3. i know such ppl are very irritating.....i think u should breakup....there is no use being with some one who doesn't give u space and privacy..and takes away all ur time....u can still consider talking to him about it and tell him how its bothering u but i dont think its going to get inside his of luck anyway

  4. what r u still doing with this guy, doll?  soon to be ex  should be a clue.  move on and feel good you didn't waste anymore time on this loser.  if he is that overbearing there is a good chance abuse will follow.. run, don't walk, away from this one.

  5. He sounds like he is very insecure and very controlling, If I were you I would be happy that he broke up with you.

  6. Wel if you broke up with him stay away from him. If this keeps happening you may want to file a restraining order against him I had to do this with my ex. Change your phone numbers too. It may not be a great thing for you but it is the best thing to do. When you and if you get the restrainging order he will HAVE to stay away from you. best of luck

  7. He's crazy, you did the right thing by kicking him out of your life. If he comes and bangs on your windows again I think you should consider a restraining order.  

  8. He was basically stalking you. That is pathetic and I honestly can say you did well by leaving him and not answering his calls. Now you can be free to do what you want when you want, and the nice thing is, that you wont have to report to anyone.. Sometimes love can be so blinding or people can just fake it like he did to get his way.

  9. From what you've said about him I would be a little bit concerned.

    It was best you leave him because he's a stupid jerk.

    Keep your distance from him because obviously he's crazy.

    And people do crazy things..

  10. Good God...I would say don't let him get to you, but this is insane! He's possessive, that's for sure. Kudos on getting out of the relationship. He needs serious help. As for you, don't take that c**p. More than likely, everyone he talks to is probably saying the same thing you are.

  11. actually i read only half of the story because its so dam long...but from what i have read, that guy seems to be a stalker, and from what he does I think he's not very far from hurting you...i suggest that you tell him that you had it and everyone has to go on a seperate way, and that he should try and deal with his emotions...if he acts all angry on you, i suggest you tell the cops !

  12. Holy c**p-hes a PSYCO!! Dont answer your phone-let it go directly to voicemail and record EVERYTHING he says to you and texts you and go directly to the police station and inform them he is stalking you because of the calls and texts but also coming to your house and harasses you and is threatening you with his unstable views! He doesnt love you-he wants you to fear and be controlled by him because he is no man and he knows it! The phonecalls are the easiest control mechanisms because its like youre bowing to his will and refusing to bow sets him off! Then he talks badly about you being 'no good' and he's right-you are no good TO HIM because you wont take his c**p! He talks ugly about his exwife because shes tired of him too and is getting out and away from him. Take her lead and get away from him...CHANGE YOUR PHONE NUMBER & CALL THE COPS IF HE SHOWS UP AT YOUR HOUSE AND HAVE THE COPS TALK TO HIM but you must go to the police FIRST and complain!!! Just so you know, anyone who claims to be 'involved' with God and threatens you with it should have been the tip-off he was nuts and dangerous!!  

  13. dont be concerned he just wants to talk to you in attempt to make you like him more so that he has another chance with you, all guys do it, try asking him to stop calling you, get a new boyfriend and make him take the hint. xx

  14. He sounds like a psychopath be careful!

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