
Should I be concerned about my Iguanas Color Change?

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My Iguana's back and a streak along his spine has turned a dull orange to brown color. I have a year and a half old Iguana and I am hoping he is not getting sick. I heard they turn orangish during breeding season in the summer is this the cause?




  1. Your iguana should be green or greyish green thats if you have a green iguana or the color it was when you got him now this is very strange 2 me if he is also acting weird he's most likely sick. shedding skin, losing part of his tail that is fine but this   you could look on the web iguana  change color.

             J J

  2. This question made me laugh because I took a picture of my son next to an enormous red/orange iguana in Mexico when he was 19 and on vacation.  I kept edging him closer to the iguana for ths pic and he was getting progressively more uncomfortable. Does your iguana do some head bobbing (as if to defend a female from you)?  Sorry.  I wish you the best and I am sure your wonderful pet is fine. Or at least I hope so.  I'll star this question so someone who knows more than I do may read and answer it. Please do not give me a BA or a TD. This was all meant in good spirit.

  3. Color changes are normal as long as your iguana is eating well, eliminating well, is active, has healthy skin, and retains a "wrinkle" along his sides. I used to give my six-foot Oscar dates with a neighbor's female and he would change all sorts of colors to impress her! At 1 1/2 years your iguana may just be sporting some adult coloration. No worries.

  4. If he is turning orange he is a male and its breeding season.

  5. i know isnt it wierd my iguana is bright green he looks like a fiji iguana but when i clip his nails he turns a brownish color or even black but it only happens when he is stressed

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