
Should I be concerned about my cats?

by Guest60228  |  earlier

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i went out to feed my cats now there a little clumsy they knock of their food bowls. I have 3. all keep getting out through and opening in a screen i have yet to get fixed. the oldest picks fights with strays.he always weighed about 13 pounds and now he dropped some weight.he probably weighs about 9 pounds now. anyway next to their cat food was a pile i think of cat either got wet, or the cat got sick not sure which one . anyway there were these little white bugs about a1/2 inch length thousands of them everywhere. the dead ones were brown and are like stuck to my patio floor. i am grossed out and I should concerned they haven't had there annual visit to the vet this year.




  1. "cat food was a pile i think of cat either got wet"

    i am sorry, but i cant understand this.

    if your cat is losing weight, he might have worms.

    if you saw rice looking bugs on old food, they were probably maggots, fly babies.

    if you saw rice looking things in cat p**p, it was worms.

  2. if you have "outside" cats they are going to get sick and they are going to get so sick that they will die...its a proven fact that outside cats live way less than cats that are kept are exposing your cats to many diseases and dangers...please consider allowing these poor cats to live indoors and give them somewhat of a chance to live a longer life... the one who is losing weight has lost over a 1/3 of his body weight this is NOT a good sign

  3. sounds like worms, you might want to get some worming tablets, powder or liquid.  Are your cats overly hungry this is usually a good sign its worms, and you stated your cat is loosing weight, also a sign of worms.

  4. Sounds like tapeworms.  They are about the size of a grain of rice. Very easy to treat with pills.

  5. worms, or maggots. so take them to the vet!!!

    oh, and fix your screen so this won't happen again.

  6. Well, the cats definately need to see a vet. They might have worms, and possibly some disease of some sort.

    But unless someone on here is a vet, you need to see one pronto.

  7. it was probly just maggots, but if u really think it came out of the cat then get them checked.

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