
Should I be concerned about my tooth? What are my options?

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Before I started my freshman year I had 9 baby teeth removed so I could get braces. Nothing was wrong with my teeth other than the fact that I was 13-14 years old and had the mouth of a 9 or 10 year old. Well I'm starting my senior year in high school and all but 1 tooth has came in. (My canine) The dentist said that I can't get braces until all my teeth come in. Someone said that it might be impacted, but I thought that an impacted tooth would be painful, and I'm pretty sure the dentist would of said something if that was the case.

Can they force my tooth into position so I can get braces?




  1. The dentist can force a tooth into position - that is the whole point of orthodontics.

    However, that being said, it may not be the best thing for you. Do you really want to have someone open up your gums, cut bone, and then put a bracket on the tooth that is in there? You could certainly just wait.

    I would advise you to discuss with your doctor your concerns, I'm sure that he or she can answer better than anyone on the internet. Each person is different, and without x-rays and an entire history, it would be hard to make any sort of judgement except that your doctor is probably trying to be as uninvasive as possible.

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