
Should I be concerned..?

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I went on vaction for the last month of school, and now I'm looking at my math work, and I barely rememer any of it. I'm really worried, I want to do good in school, especially because I'm going up to high school. Maybe I'm just paranoid, I don't know! Please help me, and no rude comments?




  1. No, you shouldn't be concerned. The first week or so of class is all review stuff anyway, no matter what grade you're beginning.

  2. It's completely normal to be nervous, especially since you're making that big transition to high school. It sounds to me like you really take your lessons seriously, and that is a good thing. It might take some time to refresh your memory when school starts, but good teachers know that you haven't been studying and will need this time to catch up. Good teachers also want you to succeed, so they will help you in whatever areas you need. If you find that need additional help, don't be afraid to ask.  

  3. i just took a year of spanish and forgot basically ALL of it, don't remember barely any math, and forget my flute!

    I am an A+ student and this happens every summer, so it isn't that big of a deal. the first couple weeks/month is spent on reviewing. If you are nervous, try getting review books on math or whatever subject. that helps you get back on track!

  4. do well, not good.  Just go over your notes and assignments to refresh your memory.  The more you study, obviously the better you'll do.  Also you might consider finishing the school year to avoid missing important classes.

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