
Should I be concerned that my 7 yr.old is now seeing her recently dead cat wondering around the house? Normal?

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I was just wondering if it is a normal stage of grieving for my seven year old daughter to be seeing her recently dead cat wondering around the house. She is a very smart child and we have discussed death before. Also, this is not the first pet that she has lost. She has never done this before even though we have loss family members. I only worry because she speaks so matter of fact about what she sees the cat doing. Should I be concerned? Should I ignore it as a kind of iimaginary friend or speak with her in-depth... if so what do I say?




  1. It could be that she was rather fond of this pet and this is just a coping method to get her through this.  I wouldn't worry about it.  Give it several weeks and she'll be fine.

  2. you shou8ldnt be worried

    kids do that alot and they will probably say they do untill there 12 or so

    that means that they have a creative mind and that there very imaginitive

    so that very usuall

    but you should get pets when she gets responsible or she might keep saying that she see's dead pets

  3. maybe she can see dead animals. or maybe shes just in denial either way its okay let it be

    help me?;...

  4. you never know, maybe she is actually seeing the cat? but you might want to speak to her about it. dont make it seem like what she is doing is wrong. good luck!

  5. UMM I HAVE 2 answrs!


    Maby your cat came back as a ghost that can happen!! I have had a hamster that i could swear was running on its wheel but it died 2 months before that!


    maby she wants her cat back so bad she is pretending ts steel alive!

  6. Was this cat very special to her?  Did she have it for a long time?  Did she/does she have many imaginary friends?  Does she have a wild imagination?  Is that cat allegedly doing weird things, or things that it would not have done when it was alive?  If so, then she's probably just imagining or grieving in her own way.

    If not though, she's other pulling your leg or is really and truly seeing the cat.  I mean, is it so hard to acknowledge the potential of ghosts?  Is your daughter a smart child?  If so, she might really and truly be seeing your cat.  Or, she could just be pulling your leg.  Either way, I'd talk to her!

    Good luck! ;)

  7. kids are more open to things like than than adults.  NEVER tell her it is not happening because you are not in her mind.

  8. It's normal for kids to see things that we cannot.  It's not such a bad thing for her to be grieving.  She's getting old enough now to know things like that.  You should sit down with her though and talk about it.  Ask her if she has seen anything else.  But be prepared for the answer you might recieve.  It doens't mean she crazy or anything like that either.  

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