
Should I be concerned that my baby doesn't do certain things?

by  |  earlier

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My daughter is 8 months old, and there are certain things she doesn't do. Like, she still can't pick up finger foods or tiny things with her thumb and finger. She doesn't jump in my lap yet, either. Do you think that's something to be concerned about? Those are the only things that she doesn't do. (she babbles, scoots/crawls, sits up, says/knows her name etc.) I know all kids are different, too...




  1. I'm concerned that you haven't asked these questions of your pediatrician.

  2. she might be a lil slow

  3. Most communities have a Help Me Grow program. (Help me grow is the actual name of the program) They will come to your home and evaluate your child and if he/she is behind they send a teacher to your home to work with him/her once ot twice a week. It is a terrific program, check it out and good luck! I just took a class on child psych. I would be a little concerned as the child should be picking up small pieces of cereal and things by now.

  4. You should just talk to your doctor. Its probably nothing to worry about though. All babies are different.

  5. Don't worry everything is sounds fine.  If worried ask the Pediatrician.

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