
Should I be cracking my fingers and knuckles?

by Guest57630  |  earlier

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Is cracking your fingers and knuckles good to do or bad to do? I do it pretty often and I'm just curious if it hurts your hands in the long run or if it doesn't bother you.




  1. I don't see how it would be bad. I was actually just thinking about that earlier. I had to crack my knee and had I not, it might have cracked on it's own and then I'd most likely hurt my knee.

    I think you have to do it every now and then so your fingers and hands and what not won't tense up. I do it all the time and see no signs of anything bad happening.

  2. The answer is a definite  NO.

    It is very annoying to a lot of people for one thing, and the other thing is that people that have done that a lot have a higher incidence of arthritis in their fingers later in life.

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