
Should I be eating before I run? I usually do and have no problem but lately I think it's been slowing me down

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What's the best meal to eat? Why?




  1. Before a run I tend to drink a protein shake about 2 hours before a run. That or a protein bar, or a sandwich. (remember to drink tons of water too).

  2. No i dont think you should usually eating before you run gives you cramps. you should always eat vegetables too. If you start getting dizzy while on a run or when you get back it might mean your dehidrated but it could also mean that your not eating enough iron. iron can be found in fish and meats. you could also take iron pills but you might need to talk to your doctor about that.

    I hope i could help


  3. Eat something light around 15-20 minutes before you run. If you're talking about racing plain pasta the night before is always good to load up on carbs.  

  4. Well idk if what time you run in the day. Here's some examles:

    If yourun in the morning- Eat a slice of toast, and a banana and glass of oj

    If you runin the afternoon- Eat a turkey sandwich with a an apple and water

    If you run in the evening-Eat some sort of pasta with bread (spaghetti with garlic bread, or ravioli and a bread roll)

    Notice all these meals have carbs involved. Carbs give your body energy. It takes a while for your body to break down and digest the carbs, so that will give you long lasting energy and strength in comparison to eating a donut or fruit loops which have lots of sugar and will give you energy but only for a small period of time. Bananas are great for runners because they have lots of potassium. Food is crucial to your running so don't ever skip any meals before you run. Meals replenish your body and get it strong, so donn't leave that out. ANyway i hope this has helped and I wish you the best of luck!!! Peace

  5. eat carbs like spaghetti! cuz then you'll have lots of energy!

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