
Should I be expecting more than 3 eggs today from my turtle?

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I have a 5 year old female red eared slider that just laid 3 eggs today. She hasn't been in contact with any turtles since she was a baby so I'm assuming the eggs she laid were infertile. I've been reading online that it's natural for a female to lay eggs without a male present, but should I be expecting more eggs today or is that just how many blank eggs an unmated turtle produces on their own?

I hope it's just fatigue from the delivery, but right now she's sitting on her island with her eyes closed. I'm just scared that she is retaining eggs because she doesn't have a proper nesting area.

Thanks in advance for your help!




  1. you should put a proper nesting area or just a small(shoe box) full of sand(or if your worried about diseases then buy some)and make sure its moist. you can put her in the box outside the cage if it is primarilly water. and watch her for then next 2 -3 days to be on the safe side.

  2. okay,i also assume that those eggs are need a male to breed just let the female be.she'll realize it that the eggs are not gonna hatch.

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