
Should I be freaked out?

by  |  earlier

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So I seen this painting online, and it is said to be evil. This one guy hade his house clensed cause he thought it was evil. So now i'm pretty freaked out! My question, Should I be freaked out? plz no sarcastic answers.




  1. Don't worry about it.  If it has any power, it resides with the original, not an online image.

  2. Just look at this picture and you will be safe.

  3. What is this painting called?  I may be crazy but now I want to see it!  I Googled "Evil Painting" but nothing very evil came up...  

  4. Not unless you plan on buying his painting.

  5. Oy - this one again.

    It's creepy alright - a doll with no eyes, two creepy children and a bunch of hands pressed against windows in the door.

    But it's not evil and the only reason the fool had to get his house cleansed is because he IS a fool.

    It's ap icture - nothing more, nothing less.

    And I'm far from sarcastic on this.

  6. So you SAW a painting online, hon:)

    No don't worry about it, the guy who had his house cleaned had it in his house I imagine.  You just saw it online- no harm done.  Even if it were in front of ur face still no problem.  I would look at it as interesting and nothing more.

  7. maybe weird, doubt your in any danger.

  8. run

  9. Generally if something is evil it is mostly in your mind. Paranoia plays a big role what people believe, one way or another. If you can get past your own mind and view it for what i really is, just some painting, then you will be much happier. Besides, it was online, if it was evil then it is evil whereever it currently is, not in your house or on your comp. :)

  10. Should you be freaked out because you saw a picture on line?

    If seeing a picture freaks you out then you should totally freak out because you have paranoia.

    The internet will only make it worse.  Read a book or something.  (Not a book with pictures in it!)

    Relax, Honey.  You're OK.  

  11. wat was da pic of? I could probably tell u if it's really evil or a prank.

  12. It's not that thing with the window, and the weird little girl and the boy who looks like he's got a Frankenstein head, is it?

    If it is, then don't worry.  It's a creepy picture but I've never heard of anyone coming to harm when viewing it on line.  Just delete the image off your PC and forget about it.  

  13. Look, i doubt you have anything to worry about, besides, it only has power if you believe it has power and therefore you can control its force, if it has force, which i doubt.  

  14. I dont believe in objects being evil or haunted in anyway. Objects are what people make them.  If you seriously believe that it could be evil you have nothing to worry about unless it was hanging in your house.  

  15. No, any "power" it had, you gave to it by being afraid of it.

    Now, stay away from things like this, and consider giving your life to the Lord.  He protects us from all of that, and there is no need to be afraid.  :)

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