
Should I be getting Help?

by  |  earlier

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Some people say Im drinking too much and some say im fine, I drink about 4-5 beers in about an hour, and that gets me to where im pretty tipsy, and then I usually drink about 3 more beers then after that, I CANT STOP, after 8 of them, I can just crack a beer grab another and down somemore, in a good night to whre I dont drink so much is about 4 beers, a bad night is 16-20 beers in 3-4 hours, and Im completely wasted, I have been Unconsious twice to where Ive had people do whatever they can to wake me up and I have no idea, they will do everything to wake me up and its not possiable, Recently, I got alcohol poisoning and was Passing out and waking up every like 15 mins and was throwing up this black stuff everywhere, I said that it was going to be my last time drinking, but by the time the next weekend rolled around, I coulden't help it, I just keep going back to it, also my parents dont think I drink, so I dont know how Im supposed to get help? any suggestions or tips I could have?




  1. Sounds like you need help. Next time you may not be so lucky as to wake up.  I think your alcohol poisoning was a reality check.  Check out the link it can help you.

  2. The black stuff was definitely blood.  Too much alcohol will begin to eat away your stomach, giving you ulcers.  Obviously those bleed.  Further, throwing up frequently tears parts of your stomach and esophagus, so you will throw up blood eventually.  Of course, prolonged exposure to alcohol (getting shitfaced every weekend) will give you an ulcer anyways.

    As hard as it is, you need to quit drinking.  This isn't working out for you very well.  You don't have any control once you start, so you shouldn't start.  It sounds simple, but it's harder to do.  Some people can do this by themselves, others need AA, and some need rehab.  Now, since your parents don't think you drink, I'm assuming you're underage.  Of course the way to quit that wouldn't alert your parents would be to stop by yourself.  You would need to stop going anywhere there is alcohol; I think if someone offered you a drink you couldn't refuse it.  There are plenty of rehabs that take in minors, and if you think that's the best way out it's better to admit now to your parents that you need rehab than later on when you're much worse off and really destroying your life.  You're young enough to recover from this and have a normal life, don't wait, this sounds serious.

  3. You definitely need help! That "black stuff" is probably blood.

    Tell your parents and get help now!

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