
Should I be insulted?

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A little over a year and a half ago I was very fat. 275 to be honest... I now weigh 135. I have worked very hard to tone myself and have studied clothes and how they fit to make the best wardrobe choices I could to make myself more attractive plus I changed my looks with new makeup choices and colored the gray out of my hair. I have been told that I look VERY good and take pains to be at my best each day now. A few days ago I went to see my husband at this job in another town. He was staying at a nice hotel. About an hour after I got there we were preparing to go out to eat when there was a knock at the door. It was the hotel manager... he told my husband that the hooker that had come up to his room in the last hour had to leave as the policy of the hotel was no hookers allowed. He was talking about me!!!!!!!!!! Now I was NOT dressed S****y.... but I was on the s**y side but not obscene. Really I wasn't.... Should I take this mistaken identity as an insult or a compliment? I am torn... What are your opinions?




  1. Look in the mirror ans see if you do look like a hooker, then go out and buy some decent clothes !

  2. It sounds like something you should have laughed at. Its just a hotel manager, do you really care what he thinks? Congrats on the weight loss by the way, I used to weigh 272 and in 9 mths. ( no surgery, I hate when people assume I had surgery ) I lost 130 lbs. I have never felt hotter and hip huggers are awesome. I just didnt eat anything after 1PM everyday and drank a bunch of water. So yeah, just laugh at it.  

  3. Dont be insulted, I hope that the hotel manager apoligized, that is aweful that he actually came up to the room and said that!  But dont be insulted by ignorant people.  Congradulations on loosing all that weight! Hard work pays off!  Good job!  

  4. hmmm if u think being called hooker!!! is a compliment...then ya its ur choice.Might be it was.All your perception.

  5. No because you wanted to look s**y for you and your husband.  At times I look a little on the trashy side, but not too far.  It is all in people's perception.  Good for you on losing the weight and, making yourself look good for you.  It is amazing the change in one;s attitude with a little hair color and some good make-up.  I remember when I weighed 135 and could wear all those provocative outfits, and I did.

  6. All that manager is saying is your to hot for your husband go on with your bad self. Girl work it.

  7. Oh wow PC...I'm not sure...

    (wrinkling brow and scratching head in thought...)

    OK-I might be kinda flattered if no one could have possibly mistaken me for a hooker before, BUT I would be PISSED too.

    I would definitely follow up with the hotel based on gp.

    That guy must have brass and gas...

    Brass below and air above...

    Wonder if he makes a habit of this?

    Surely you're not the only wife who ever showed up to join her hubby?

    As for your choice of clothes, if you feel s**y, then girlfriend, you be s**y. As long as your husband is happy, s***w the rest of them.  They're just haters, lol.  I've read enough of your answers to know that you have enough class to pull off s**y tastefully.  

    I'm just kind of astounded that he did this.  It would seem that even if the hotel management requires that he address a suspected "indiscretion," they would have some guidelines about how to approach it.  I cannot fathom that he would not have asked about you joining him, maybe requested some identification for record-keeping purposes...SOMETHING other than "designating you hooker and demanding you leave"...

    How bizarre...

    I'm with the others who recommend getting something out of this.  The  manager sounds like a pompous, obnoxious, self-righteous, control freak...

    I say contact the hotel (assuming it's a chain, and not independently owned by this guy/or his family) and demand retribution for the rude and insulting treatment received at their establishment.  They are in the hospitality industry, and a manager should have enough tact to manage a questionable situation, if he deemed it such, with some discretion.  They should offer you a free night's stay if not an entire weekend.

    I say take the assumption as a compliment...clearly it made an *** out of him.  Take his handling of the situation as an insult, because it was to both you and your husband.

    Congrats on your weight loss, and enjoy your newfound beauty and confidence!  You have every right to take pride in yourself and your appearance.  You worked hard to become your best.

    Don't let some vice cop wannabe make you question yourself at all!  Keep struttin' your stuff- it's great that hubby wants you to join him when he's away, and you have every reason to want to be hot for the man you love.  

    Good luck on gettin' a free weekend getaway because of Mr. Motel Mafioso.

  8. Yes I would be insulted.  Also did you hear this hotel manager tell your husband this?  If not maybe your hubby is a jerk.  I would call corporate manager and report this joker, he has no business saying things like that about you.  If your husband works there, he also should have stood up for you.  Something is not right about the comment, however it came about being said (by your hubby or the manager of the hotel).

  9. I'd be insulted..

  10. Don't equate this as a matter of physical appearance. Your husband booked a room at a single rate. Then you show up. It's a business matter. Married couples usually do not show up separately to a hotel.

  11. you should have said {im not a hooker  a*****e -im a call girl) and dont be insulted  

  12. COMPLIMENT!!  Not only did they think you were a hooker but a high priced hooker....I've seen the dirty street hookers that walk the street and look obscene as well as the high class hookers that are usually found in hotel lobbies that look s**y.  So you looked s**y, like the high priced kind that take care of themselves! Not a crack w***e :) Congrats on taking such great care of yourself, and yes be proud of your sexiness!

  13. no, but maybe make sure you werent too S****y or wearing too much makeup. Other than that, I'd write a letter of complaint to the hotel , try to get something free out of it lol.

  14. If I was your husband I would have beat the c**p out of that guy.  You should take that as an insult.  You worked very hard for yourself and no one should take that from you by comparing you to a hooker.

  15. This man is lowering your self esteem.....dont let him!! girls are beautiful and gracious and delicate!! dont let him rob you of that ....its good that you dont dress sluty because in the end men dont want to marry the hookers the want the real women with personality and joy!! And he did this once he'll do it again!! He has lust and sexual temptation on his mind...your better than that !! Men want to see that your better than him your worth more no matter what you wear or weigh or how much money you have in the bank!!

  16. Insult or compliment... does it matter? Perhaps you are taking too great of pains to look good. Looking REAL may be the lesson in all of this.

    I imagine that your change this past year has been exhilarating and inspiring for you. But are you over-compensating for the lost time of not looking good before this?

    I hope you can take pride in your hard work and know, for yourself and not the world, that you are gorgeous. You don't have to prove it to anyone but yourself.


  17. It was unprofessional of the manager to say that.  

    At the very least, the hotel owes you a free night stay in a suite or something.    There has to be some "penance" done on their part.


  18. Why do you care what a hotel manager in another town thinks about you?  If you don't know if you should be insulted or not, what does it matter now?

  19. insulted i guess.  

  20. Wow! That is tough. That guys was just just jealous. Being a women I would be offended but you know that your not and your husband know that. Congratulations on losing that much weight, that is amazing! Don't sweat it, If you feel good about yourself dont let anyone say or do anything to make you feel any differant.

  21. never

  22. Neither. I'd take it as a message that perhaps you committed a fashion faux pas in relation to the particular setting, and perhaps in that setting, you should be a tad more conservative.

  23. take it as a compliment if you wernt dressed S****y then it just means u look pretty good =]

  24. sorry, it's an insult not a compliment--and I don't believe it happened--you're fishing for compliments on the the weight loss (good for you on the weight loss).  

    If you looked enough like a working girl to have the hotel say you had to leave then you looked S****y not classy or s**y and you  probably should re-evaluate your idea of fashion.


    fwiw:  I do agree that you should complain to the hotel's headquarters/management about the guy.  I stay in hotels a lot for business purposes and the single and double rate at nice hotels are the same and my SO turns up midway through a trip to stay with me, no one says anything. The same thing for the crew I travel with.  No one says anything to them about their wives or gfs showing up midstay.  (although we did have one guy have big brass ones  and hire an escort and they did throw both him and her out of the hotel.)

  25. It is a shame that some people are so hardened that they cannot tell the difference between an attractive well dressed lady from a hooker??!!

    I might be first upset about myself, and then get angry at the manager for assuming such a thing.  

    Go over his head, and report this incident.  He crossed a line.  

  26. ha ha ha...well maybe you're the equivalent of one of the classy "escorts" and not the cheap trashy types.

  27. LOL! Take it as a compliment. No one would have thought you were a hooker a yr ago right?

    You Go Girl!

  28. PC you are sh****ing me!!!!!!!!!  

    Oh my gosh, the cow pies that live around you appall me!!!  I would absolutely take it as an insult, how else can you take it?  Even if it says he thinks that you are s**y, the fact that he also thinks you are a hooker WAY overbalances any positive thoughts in that respect, in my opinion.

    The fact that you are wondering about it should tell you that there is a wrongness about it, an ill feeling, and tainted sense of bad, of cheapness and unwholesome skunky stink.

    What did the guy do after you told him that you two were married?  I hope he blushed back to his bald spot and slunk away with his tail between his legs.  What a jerk!

    my opinion is that you should hold your head high and dress just as s**y as you like, and ignore remarks like that.

    Chalk it up to a serious state of "cow pie for brains."


    Lady M

  29. no

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