
Should I be mad at the student for buying me a can and prune juice?

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to answer your question, my son uses my account, and my son asked the question, and I'm the mother.




  1. Retire.  When you stop enjoying teaching, you shouldn't be in the profession anymore.

  2. He should have hit you with the cane and threw the Prune juice in your face, that is horrible if you really did all those things. If you're suppose to be a teacher maybe you should quit-- Sounds like you're not a very good one. Glad my kid doesn't have your or I'd have to hit you with a cane to the point where you probably would Need a walker.

  3. Ignore or laugh it off. As a teacher you must be used to bizarre/sarcastic/useless gifts. What is the point in reacting?, you will only appear ungrateful!!

  4. When little kids are in first grade all they want is a sweet teacher no matter the age. That was wrong of him but come on he is six years old. If this really bothered you don't take it out on the little boy. Tell his parents. You also shouldn't have mispronounced his name. That was bad on your part.

  5. You're kidding, right? LOL.

  6. haha that mum has a great sense of humour. It is not the child it is his parent

    okay checked your questions. Troll is what jumps to mind. You moved back home with mum because your toilet chair idea didn't take off, youWIFE is there too and your kids, And neices too!! What a gender changeing world you live in ...and crowded too

  7. I think you're lying. An EDUCATED teacher would not type like that, and your name is kyle. You are lying, and if you were a mature 63 year old woman that WOULD NOT bother you.

  8. u r a horrible person

  9. Sounds kinda trollish to me.... BUT in case You have serious problems for being rude to first graders. they don't know any better. you wonder why people go to h**l!

  10. no because they might just be trying to be nice and they don't know what all that is just yet!

  11. HAHA i think that kid is pretty quirky, i would invite him to my reading circle

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