
Should I be more assertive with my Navy recruiter?

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Hello everyone. Well I enlisted in the DEP of the Navy as a crypto linguist.

At first, I didn't care what job I was going to have, but language and music are really my passions in life, so when I scored well on the DLAB test (or sort of well, 105) I decided to pursue this job 100 percent, it sounds challenging and it looks like I'd be able to do what I've always wanted to do, travel and get to see the world outside my apartments.

Well I didn't finish high school after 11th grade and I got 2 credit cards

that I overcharged and didnt pay for like half a year, so it sent my credit score to h**l. My job requires a top secret clearance and I've read on here that if they find inconsistencies when they are doing your background check they could pull you right out of language school.

My recruiter told me it was no big deal, that she had a top secret clearance and not to worry about it. But I REALLY don't want to mess this up, this has become my personal dream now, for the next 6 years that I signed.I'm in Texas where I can't find a job, I want to go to Arkansas where I have family that can give me a job so I can work off my credit cards and finish school over there (they will give me a place to live and everything) but my recruiters

told me it was not a good idea. That I should stay here in Houston

and finish school here and not talk to any other Navy recruiters.

I keep calling them about getting my high school finished but they keep telling me they are getting my paperwork done and to call them back another day. I want to take my life into my OWN hands, school starts in a week and my credit card bills don't stop coming every month.

I called today and my recruiter told me to give her another week while they wait for a school to respond with my paperwork. She's really sweet and caring so I find it hard to just tell her NO IM GOING TO ARKANSAS, I NEED TO GET THINGS TAKEN CARE OF NOW.

Am I over reacting? Should I place more trust in them or should I take matters into my own hands?

Sorry for this being so long, I wanted to be as clear as possible with my situation.




  1. Without a doubt, take matters into your own hands. This is YOUR future that you are talking about and no one is going to take better care of that then you are.

    Your recruiter may very well be doing the best job that she can to get you into the Navy - but let's face it, her number one goal is going to be to get you enlisted and not necessarily what is best for you.

    The outstanding debt could very easily put your security clearance at risk. If it is paid off, you have a much better chance. The part about inconsistencies is true - nothing will cost you a clearance faster than being dishonest. Be upfront and honest about the debt issue and as long as it is in the past you should be fine.

    Just remember, this is YOUR future you are dealing with.

  2. Since you did not stay in school and graduate ontime you can kiss your school guarantee and enlistment contract  goodbye. I assume your in DEP.

    The only paperwork that will be done on you now is your DEP discharge from MEPS and that won't be finished until after your shipping date has passed.

    If you ever want to join the Navy or any other service you need to finish high school with a regular high school diploma. Contrary to popular belief, a GED is not a high school diploma and in the eyes of the military your a non high school grad.

    Well you've already made one big mistake dropping out of school. Not paying off your credit cards will only make things worse. So yes, go to Arkinsas and get a night job so you can finish high school and enroll in high school there next year.

    There is no point to being more agressive with your recruiter. He/she has already written you off as a loss. Besides the paperwork for your DEP discharge comes from MEPS and he/she has no control when that will be finished. It's usually 8 weeks after your original shipping date.

  3. The recruiter may work for you now, but they cannot guarantee anything!  If there is a need for you somewhere else, that you are qualified to fill, the service owns you for the duration of your enlistment.  I'd really try to get that GED now, so that you're not disappointed with your military career.  Have you tried online?

  4. As a person who was royally screwed by a recruiter, dont forget, you can leave at any time BEFORE YOU GO TO BOOTCAMP!!!!!!!.dont let them s***w you over, if they cant give you what you want Guaranteed, and ON PAPER, walk away.

  5. The recruiters task is to get you in the service if it is possible. You may have credit issues, but call the card companies and work out a deal. They usually negotiate. The recruiter will be your biggest asset. I had a secret clearance for working security for NASA and Ames research facilities, and it was great duty, so go for what you want, but look for your career moves where you are.

  6. i am an ARMY recruiter.  i can tell you that as a high school drop out you wouldnt even qualify for the ARMY based on education level.  now although as i have said before i dont know the recruiting standards of other branches im quite sure they are not letting in HS drop-outs.  right off hand id say your being lied to.  

    do what you have to do to finish HS, dont worry about the navy or the ARMY or any other branch, i assure you we will be here when you are ready.  BTW your ASVAB and DLAB tests are good for two years, you did know that right?

  7. recruiters are like sheep - they lie.  Get everything in writing.  If they can't/don't then walk.  There are lots of other recruiters out there.

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