
Should I be nice or stand up for myself?

by Guest58573  |  earlier

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Ok at school girls are really mean to me. It'´s a new year and I was wondering should I just be nice and smile or should I stand up for myself and give it back to them? I have some good friends in classes though. So I am not friendless. JSYK.




  1. IGNORE THOSE GIRLS...they just want to be noticed by guys....i have just finished skool...and i know.

    They are the ones who are not actually good at anything just try to be glamorous....and they are the one's with problems and ull see them crying in class later in the year...they always dont worry just ignore them with out attitude...guys like decent girls...also respect decent girls.

  2. Here's what I would do if it were me (and I've been there, done that)

    If they just snipe at you in the halls, talk badly about you or make comments, kill them with kindness. Smile, be sweet and nice. Don't take the bait of them making snide comments, because that's what they want you to do. If they get a reaction out of you, they've won, and they'll keep it up. If you let it slide and just pretend you didn't hear what they said and continue being nice to them, it will frustrate them and they'll eventually move on to a weaker target, so to speak.

    If they physically get in your face or do other things to force your hand and MAKE you react, by all means, stand up for yourself. Don't "give it back to them" because then you're reducing yourself to their level of atrocity. Be above them, behavior-wise, and simply let them know that you don't appreciate their actions/thoughts/words and you won't tolerate it. Then turn and walk away. Don't fight them, start name-calling or get all worked up over it. Remain calm and civil...they won't know what hit them.

    Girls who pick on other girls for their own amusement are usually the most insecure in school. They MUST pick on others to boost their own self-esteem and to hide the fact that they don't really like themselves.

  3. Do no be mean.  It takes too much effort.  Besides you do not want to drop down to  their level.  Be your nice self.

  4. Ahhh sorry for you love, these folks are just ignorant and need to be corrected alas the more you antagonise them the worse they get.

    So let it be, don't give them anymore ammunition to work with, smile and kill them with kindness.  I sometimes don't understand people.  God Bless

  5. Don't stoop to their level by being mean. Hold your head up high, be the mature, intelligent one. Tell a teacher if they bully you that bad. I was bullied through school and I ended up telling a teacher. I was scared at first thinking that they'd beat me up or think I was a teachers pet. The truth was they were all such wimps they started balling in front of the teachers. They were NEVER mean to me again. So, tell the teachers! That's what they're there for.

    If you're mean to them, it gives them a "reason" to retaliate, therefore you should be the mature student.

    Good luck getting rid of those as$ holes!

  6. The best defense against girls like that is to ignore them.  All they want is attention and everyone knows they are full of c**p, so just ignore them.

    If anything I would smile, thank them, and wish them a more pleasant life than what they obviously currently live.

  7. Stand up for yourself. You don't have to be nice to them. You don't even have give them any of your attention. Stick with your real friends and leave those girls alone.

  8. Just stand up and say,"I am nobody's welcoming mat for insults. I don't know who you guys think you are, but I'm not going to take your c**p, so go try to pawn it off on someone else." Then stand up and walk out. If they continue to mess with you, just say to them,"Stop messing with me. Nobody cares. Do you think it's funny? It's not anything, just annoying." And roll your eyes, say,"You guys need to grow up. Such children." Then laugh, and walk away. Once they feel like they're the losers, they'll stop.

  9. I would f**t in her locker.

  10. Be mature about's what I did when some girls were picking on me.

    When they started calling me names I just smiled like I pitied them, shook my head patted them on the shoulder and walked away.

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