
Should I be offended by this rude comment?

by Guest66673  |  earlier

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Last night, here on YahooAnswers I aksed a question about telling my son that santa/easter bunny is not real. Note* I asked how i should tell him, not if I should. Majority of the answers told me that I should not tell him, that I am not letting him grow up, it's a shame I am my son's parent, and that I am a jerk.

I took this with alot of offence, as I don't think that they should be given the option of raising my child. I asked how, not if - they also do not know all the facts.

The fact that my son was bullied for saying that the tooth fairy was real, triggered my decision to tell him. I am angry that these people (whom most do not have kids of their own) can just put me down, over a situation they know nothing about.




  1. Report the person because insulting violates the community guidelines and if any one says bad things about u then it violates the guidelines just report the person and that person has violated the guidelines.

    U will feel better when the comment has been deleted and u will have to take no more insults whenever some one tells a rude comments just report them and after its deleted and reporting just add some details they will delete the comment faster if u comment when reporting a person.

  2. It's nothing that you can be offended about really because these people were ignorant of your situation! I'm sure they weren't purposely being mean i think they were just trying to give their own personal opinion. Obviously other people have no business telling you how to raise your children but maybe if you wanted a direct answer you could've first described your situation.

    Personally, I think i good way to let your  child know it to start by having a casual conversation about what he thinks of these imaginary figures and also maybe bring up the fact that a lot of the other children don't believe they're real. Let him know that what they believe is true, sadly.

    He'll probably be sad, but he'll get over it!

    Hope i helped(:

  3. i would be most upset if someone said that to me thats awful

  4. Someone once explained to me that when someone is *insensitive*, it's because they *do not have sensitivity*. It's something they are missing!  If those people were sensitive, they would be richer souls and they would have written nicer answers.

    You, on the other hand, are sensitive. I recommend that you rise above.  Because you are noble and you can.

    You're thoughtful about how to raise your son, so stay strong. Use what ever works and throw out what doesn't.

    You're not alone in needing to ignore the "trolls" here. The good people are so good. So hang in there. There is a lot of wisdom here too.

    Many blessings!

  5. since you do not know these people,you shouldnt really mind what theyre saying.every child is different and issues like santa and easter bunny should be handled according to the temperament of each individual child.i actually admire you for doing this.after all youre just concerned about your child's self esteem.

  6. If you want informative answers...then you need to give all the facts.  People can't give advice if you omit facts.

  7. Look stress LESS!!

    My account was hacked into, and deleted, by a lunatic.  On my previous account, I was daily told that I was a bad mum, and that I should consider killing myself.

    I couldn't careless what anyone thought of me. I bet no one would say it to my face!!


  8. it's just the internet...regardless if it was rude or not right or wrong....they're just strangers.  raise your kid how you want it's none of their business. :)

  9. yeh i just woudlnt listen to most people on here, quite a few people just come onto yahoo for a laugh and a joke, and they don't really see the serious side of peoples questions, i wouldn't take it presonally. but in answer to your original question, it completely depends on your sons age, if hes over 10, then i would suggest telling him, especially if he was bullied for something like the tooth fairy. just let him no that santa isn't a real person, but obviouslt dont take the fun out of xmas for him, just don't tell him that your responsible for putting the presents under the tree, just let him work out his own answers to that.

    wel i hope this helped a bit

  10. People are like this online. It's horrible, but true. They are anoymous, they can say things that they would not say to your face, and just generally people are offensive when they have an online persona (well, except as few ;) )

    Don't be offended. It will only mean you getting upset, and online strangers aren't worth your emotional energy.

  11. if you don't wish to have people's opinions on your family life then you shouldn't ask a question about it.

  12. what i did was i started giving little hints. then just a few weeks ago, when it was easter, i let him have easter, but then when i was filling the easter basket, i put the evidence in a plastic grocery bag, waited a few days, (tuesday) then i ACCIDENTLY haha left the bag where he could find it. he came out of the bathroom that night with a smile on his face, and sayiong, alright now, i want the truth. we told him. he laughed and said he suspected it anyways, because he seen the candy before hand, and he also sen the presents at chrismas time, the things i had hidden, were wrapped up, under the tree on christmas morning and said from santa. he now knows the truth, but i think he knew it all along. try doing something like that. that way, the child will have fun finding out, and wont be so disapointed. good luck

  13. No you shouldn't. As you said, they don't know the facts, so their comments really have no substance. Don't let a few jerks get you down. :)

  14. no you shouldnt be offended because


    its yahoo answers.

  15. I'm sorry that they misunderstood your question or if they did understand it, to give you rude answers.

    I didn't see your original question, but if I had I would have answered it like this -

    For me, the best way to tell a child about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny would be to tell them the tradition behind the character.  That as adults, we continue with the tradition for our children to make those times special.  I would almost make it a story when I told them.

  16. your right they r jerks, tell ur son what ever u want to and mayb by like 2nd grade he souldnt believe in those things? but thats just my opinion (: good luck and dont b 2 hard on the wee lad

  17. that is very rude

    but there are a few people out there that enjoy putting other people down for now reason.

    just ask him "do the other kids at school believe hes real?"

  18. hi, don't worry what others think! if ya did you wouldn't be your own person, everyone dose things differently doesn't mean their right! i think your a good parent & think ya made the right choice, i dont tell my kids lies ether trust me their are lots of people out there that dont teach their cildren rubbish like that x :)

  19. i have two kids one is six and other is three and my six year old has been told by her cousins that santa isnt real and i told her that he is cos i dont buy any prezzie but she has seen what we have gotten her. my son belives in all those things my 6 year old belives in tooth fairy and not sure bout easter bunny though but i guess it depends on the age of your child and let them belive what they want he/she will grow out of it we all do but yes i would take offence to all those other jerks   and i would go to the parent of the child who beat up your child and giving them a talking to teach them on a few morels on raising there child or smak them over for there child smacking ur kis

  20. They are YOUR kids and you should tell them whatever you want to!!!

    To h**l with the people that think otherwise!!!

  21. you were right to tell him. how old is your son? if he is in 4th grade or older, it is probably definately time to tell him.  they shouldn't say how you should raise your child, unless you really are doing something drastically wrong (which you aren't)

  22. well, maybe you shouldn't tell him, just tell him not to say anthing to any other kids.

  23. Let him believe it's real it's nice kids can have an imaginaiton about thease things

  24. tooth fasiry I dont know about but santa I allways told my kids that santa would be there just as long as they believed in him and that when they stopped believing he would be gone, I am an athiest but see no reason why kids should hang on to the idea that there is an old guy flying around with a sliegh full of presents and I never used any santa as a threat. as for idiots calling you names so what a lot of little people come on here to do just that, fckm youre the mum

  25. One of the problems with YahooAnswers is that all the teenagers get on here and try to be cool.  You shouldn't be offended, but it is annoying that you try to get good answers and end up with c**p.  It might be better to not post a question at night since that's when all the teenie boppers are online!!!  It's a tuff thing to tell your children about Santa, tooth fairy, etc.  They usually just figure it out, but there are those kids that believe for a long time.  I dread the day my daughter asks me if something is real.  I will tell her that yes, they are real in her heart and imagination and that is what makes the holidays and/or losing a tooth special.  I might also compare it to the joy of watching her favorite movie.  You know that the characters and story is made up, but it doesnt make it any less fun to watch.  Good Luck to you.

  26. I don't think its wrong to tell a child about santa not being real.

    I support ur decision completely.  

    Don't worry about those people who don't support ur decision, people will always find some fault in no matter what u do, they will always have opinions, just learn to ignore them.

    I know when so many people try to tell u same thing over and over it seems realistic and right thing to do, but sometimes it just isn't, and u know in ur heart u did the right thing, made a right decison. so just ignore them, don't be offended by them.

  27. Of course you  have every right to be offended.

  28. Unfortunately, there are many people here on Yahoo Answers who (A) don't really READ the questions before they answer them, and (B) just like to be rude for the sake of hearing their own voices.     Let them be rude.....don't get offended.   They are the ones who make themselves look pathetic when they answer questions!

    You know your child better than anyone else, and you have every right to make whatever decisions you feel are appropriate for him.  There is no "right" or "wrong" age to tell children the truth about Santa, the Easter Bunny, etc.    When they start questioning these things because of something they heard in school, it might be a good time to say to them, "What do YOU think?  Do you believe they are real?"  Most kids know the truth in their hearts, and will say so at that point.

  29. build a bridge and get over it.

  30. I think it's good that your son knows he can trust you to tell him the truth. Don't take offense--because 95% of people only exist to cause crowds and they aren't worth your energy.

  31. i can only sympathise

    its horrible when you ask a question and someone with a chip on their shoulder comes in and tries to tell you how to live your life and doesn't even answers your question!

    just ignore them i'm sure ur a great parent

    decent ansa

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