
Should I be offended that guys always think that I am..?

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older than I am??

I am 25. Women always think I am younger than my age like 3 or 4 years younger... BUT men/guys always think I am 2 or 3 years older!! I feel awful because of this.. :l

I am very mature and am not an airhead, so I know I don't act my age, but I didn't think I that I look that much older either to guys??

How should I take this? Do guys only think this because I have a very mature outlook/personality??




  1. I'm sure it's not your physical appearance that men are judging but your mature personality and mannerisms.

    Women would be more likely to judge you based on appearance, so they notice that you look younger than you are!

    Don't worry about it... :)

  2. most guys couldn't care less about age (as long as you are legal), as long as you look good and might be fun in the sack... :D

  3. well, that depends... if the guys that says you're older for your age is actually someone you know and a friend then they might think that way because of how mature you think, but if it's like a random guy that you just met, like who doesn't know you that well, then you can be sure they're basing it on your looks.

    If you're that concerned and if it really bothers you that much then act your age and fix yourself up according to your age BUT in my opinion, you shouldn't be bothered at all, because it's you, you should be content and confident with the way you are.

  4. That's a good thing ! It is very attractive and at the same time garners respect!

  5. You probably do look younger than you really do. but then your personality and outlook on life would definitely make you seem older to them. so take it as a compliment, your not a airhead haha.  

  6. Often it'll be because you have a mature outlook and personality. I found the best way I dealt with this was dating men 4-5 years at least older than myself, as otherwise (as women mature faster) the relationship ended up just not working because of the maturity difference. Even more so if you have a mature outlook :)

    My partner is 15 years my senior, and it works great ^ :)

  7. Men are lousy at guessin ages especially women. at least i am. Age is in the eyes of the beholder, wait until your 60 you might look 50.  

  8. they prob think your older than what you are because of the way you act

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