
Should I be placed in honors English?

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Hello.I was woundering how a school putts a student in honors English. In the begining of the school year I didn't work so hard. My quarter grades were:C,B,B,A. I took the whole state's test for every student in my state in my grade and we got the results back and I scored 447 which is aaclerated and I was only 5 points away from being advanced , so I did really well so I was thinking do I have a precent chance of being placed in honors English because of my excellent score I got on the state test? We already chose are classes for this up coming school year in Septemember but will they change my schudule after they see my score on the state test. I kind of want to be in hornors English regular English this year was kind of boring and easy I just didn't try much till 2,3,4 quarter. What should I do and why do you think my school will do about my grade?

Thanks for helping!!!

Please answer:

Can they change me to honors if I want to since I did good on the state test!





  1. I count at least fifteen spelling and grammatical errors in this question, and I'm not particularly good at grammar. So no, you don't belong in honors English.

  2. In my opinion, honors English is the easiest "accelerated" class. I have taken it the past two years. It is the most popular class to take if you want that extra GPA point. You appear to be smart enough to take that class! If you talk to your counselors... I see no reason you shouldn't be in it. Don't you get to ultimately choose anyways? CHALLENGE YOURSELF!

  3. Last year i changed schools and i was in honors english in my old school, but they didn't put me in honors at my new school. So, my mom called and they tested me for honors classes and i got in!

    you should get your mom to call and ask them to test you.

  4. talk to your counsler

  5. If you believe you can handle English honors then do so. You should talk to the teacher who teaches that class to get a feel of what you'll be working on during the year.

  6. You only get placed in honors if you do well in english almost all the time not just for one  time.

  7. why not ?go for it

  8. I'm pretty sure that Honors English works on your average. However, because of your high score, it will raise your average. If they don't place you in the course, you can always go to the school and request it. If you don't have high enough grades or they think you won't do very well, they will refuse you, but if they figure you'll be alright, they'll change it. Also, they might refuse you because of your lack of work ethic. My advice, work hard right away, don't put it off.

  9. Most schools don't automatically put you in a class.  They ask you first.  Of course, you can always ask for them to move you, but if you are really committed to challenging yourself, it is best to involve your parents and get their input and support.

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