
Should I be scared about using a condom?

by  |  earlier

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My girlfriend and I want to have s*x but I'm so scared that something is going to go wrong and she will get pregnant. Any I over analyzing the situation? or should I really be worried?




  1. well you shouldnt have s*x until your ready to have a baby pop out 9 months later, if you dont want to use a condom.  Condoms are safe. and there isnt anything to worry about,  most are coated with spermicide.

  2. WHY BE SCARED USING A CONDOM? Condom is just a plastic wear that fits for male s*x organ. So if you are worried she might get pregnant then follow her next menstrual cycle, before she have her mens she is already safe to have s*x and you donot have to worry about leaving your sperm inside her. Try the condom first before you be scared about it.  

  3. IN ORDER to avoid pregnancy, std's and such DONT HAVE s*x


    if yerr gonna have s*x

    YES to using a condom and

    YES to her taking pregnancy pills

  4. If you're scared, then maybe you're not quite ready to have s*x. Relax and try other things with her until you're more comfortable moving to the next step. I think you may be over analyzing this. Be safe!


  6. Just be sure you can use a condom correctly.  You would be surprisesed how many men don't even know how to use a condom.

    Sounds like you have not used one before either.

    Che the experation date, make sure the packet has ait in it and "feels" like a pillow when you press on it. Push the condom to the side and if you notice the edge of the condom, the jagged edge, you can open it by taring between the "v"s on the edge.

    Take it out of the package, when you hold the condom it should look like a hat, pinch the tip of the condom, before you start rolling it down. This will give room for the fluid to stay in the condom and not break. The unroll the condom down as far as it will go.

    It is best to have condoms that are lubricated with a water base lube.

    New use 2 condoms "to be extra safe" and this will create extra friction and the many both break.

  7. Tell her to get on birth control so that way if it does break you will be covered.

  8. If you are feeling so insecure then why do you want to?I think if you have having second thoughts you should slow it down a tad bit.Dont rush it if you are sure that you want to do it then theres isnt anything really you should worried about but just be sure that you and her are confortable with the decision.

  9. You're over-analyzing the situation.  If you are that worried and feel that you are not ready then you shouldn't do it.  Just wait a while until you're more comfortable.  If anything, you should ask her to go on the pill and after about a month on it you should use a condom and have s*x.  It is extremely rare to get pregnant under these circumstances.

  10. I would be more scared about NOT using one!  Make sure you know how to properly put it on.  It is not effective if it is not on correctly.

  11. condoms are the easiest and safest  way  

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