
Should I be scared of highschool?

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I am currently going into 9th grade. My first day is this Monday.

For some reason Im not that excited, but Im not sad that its coming either. Im the only one out of all my friends who isnt scared. I mean what s to be scared of? It has to be ok if everyone does it.

But should I be scared? In all the movies seniors pick on freshman.

But that all just seems like a fake. Does this really happen? Will I get picked on by seniors? Especially because Im short?

Also, have any study tips or tips to help me have a great four years?

Thanks in Advance.




  1. Hey, I'm starting high school Monday too. Anyway, I have two brothers that have already been through high school and they say it's no big deal. The seniors don't really care about you so, don't mess with them and they wont mess with you. Study tips are probably the same as middle school. Stay organized and don't procrastinate(my problem). Good Luck ^-^

  2. I don't think so . the high school is interesting . don't worry  

  3. nothing to be afraid of.

  4. i just graduated from high school and i'm going to be a freshman too (but in college) lol. everyone's scared to go to high school because it's a pretty big transition. but trust me, high school is the easy part of life. of course people will probably pick on you and call you freshmeat and names like that but they just joke around. someone threw tick tacks at me when i was a freshman haha but i think they were joking around.. i mean, all high school kids are pretty immature and pull pranks but it shouldn't be too bad. trust me. just try to do well your freshman year because if your grades slip later on, it wont be that hard to pull them back up once you're an upperclassmen. i didn't do all that great freshman year and it was that much harder to pull my grades up as i got older. also, join a lotta clubs so you'll meet more people. that's what i regret not doing. and even if your friends dont look scared, they probably are. but they're covering that up. so try to act confident and pretend you're not scared. as far as study tips go, do what's best for you. manage your time. i'm sure you've taken tests before in middle school so just use the same study habits as you've had's not all that different. all freshman are kind of annoying though (no offense) because of all the hormones and stuff. once you're a junior or senior, you'll understand why everyone picks on them lol but it shouldnt be too bad. i actually really liked my freshman year, you meet a lotta people!

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