
Should I be so upset that my son can't go to kindergarten this fall?

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I am upset that my son is being judged by his birthday. He cannot go to kindergarten with the rest of his classmates because his birthday is Oct 27 2003 and the cut off is Oct 15. You have to be already 5 years old to enter. Otherwise you would have to wait until the following year. I think that is so unfair. He would be almost six after he finally does go. Is it like that in your state also? I'm in Nebraska....."Omaha"




  1. It is the same all over the country.  There is nothing wrong with keeping him home one more year.   Enter him into a montessouri school for kindergarten. Will cost you money though.

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    نام خانوادگی : دهقانی

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  3. Its a policy here in Georgia, as well. I think they do it so the schools aren't overpopulated. It makes sense.

  4. We fail as parents to realize how much we push our children. You should be thankful that your son doesn't qualify to go to kindergarten this year, you should view that as a blessing. It is an extra year that you will be given to spend quality time together. Enjoy being able to cherish these moments that you have with him that you don't absolutely have to send him to school like other parents. Children grow up far to fast and before we know it they are gone. Most people do not learn to embrace something until it is gone. I would take advantage of this opportunity you are being given, when he is grown you will be thankful you had this extra time to spend with him. Children are these precious gifts of light that God has allowed us to have, we often take that for granted, don't waste this chance that is given to you.

  5. I teach Kindergarten in AL and our cutoff is Sept. 1. Honestly from what I have seen it truly works to your son's benefit to start a little older. The older students in my class are more mature and tend to be leaders. In general they tend to adjust a little easier.

    I understand if you feel your son is truly ready. However, academics should not be the only thing you consider. I would recommend a Montesorri School or something similar for a year if you can afford it. Your child will get tons of acadmeic and social development and it is generally a completly different learning environment than what public schools have to offer. They are costly, however.

    Remember, they do have these laws in place to protect children who are simply not ready. Enjoy your extra year with him.

  6. I'm in Florida and the same thing happened to my son.  At first I was pretty pissed but I think it worked out to his benefit.  He won't be the only one.  There were a lot of kids that fell in the same category so he wasn't the only one.  Cheer up mom, he's happy and healthy!

  7. I wouldn't be upset.  I am a preschool teacher and I have seen several children who go to school and they are not ready.  Even if he is academically ready it does not mean that he will be socially ready.  The test will not likely test his social skills.  Socially he may be fine, but a lot of times the boys with late birthdays are socially behind their peers. Children who lack social skills have a difficult time learning academics and sometimes fall behind.  This may not be your son, but there is a reason for the cut off date.  Some states have a cut off date of September 1st.  If he is to wait a year, then he will be the oldest in his class and he will be ahead of the others.  I wouldn't fret too much.  There is a lot of research that supports waiting as it can be a positive thing.

    Also kindergarten has become way more academic then it has ever been. They are taking away play, and recess and have less time to learn necessary social skills.  The work is more like first grade, so it shouldn't be a problem when he is older, because it will be more age appropriate.

  8. Believe me when I say this is the best thing.   My daughter is an August baby.  She made the cut off... barley.  Because of it, she was the youngest in her class.  She was the smallest and the least developed.  I wish I had held on another year.  That year may make all the difference in the world.  My youngest on the other hand is an October baby.  He didn't make the cut off and he did much better  Enjoy your boy for another year before he enters school.  I know from experience that they grow up WAY to fast.

  9. Do you just want him outta your hair, or do you think he's ready to go??.

    I think you should leave it as it is. If he isnt quite ready for Kindy, he may struggle & be held back the next year....

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