
Should I be sooooo nervous about seventh grade?

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I mean I have a ton of classes and I don't know trends, fashionable stores, any PEOPLE for that matter! Everyone from my sixth grade class is going somewhere else!!! I am sooooo freaked! I just found out yesterday my class schuedle, so yikes! Oh and I'm looking for tips not mean comments from jerks who have nothing better to do than be stupid!




  1. Don't worry.  Just be yourself, and talk to as many people as you can and make friends.  I wouldn't worry about "Fashionable" stores, people who like you just because of your clothes and not the person you are  aren't your friends.  A large schedule may seem scary, but ti's not that bad.  Also, get involved in sports, sports teams are a grat way to make new friends.

  2. you must have at  least 1 friend staying in 7th grade with you. And it'll be easy to make friends just find common interest. And new fashions happen every year so everyones probably waiting to see what they are or just go for the brand name stores like hollister. you'll b fine.

  3. just relax you'll get used to it in like a week

    dont worry about the clothes you wear as long as they are not too small for you

    also they dont really make fun of you that much its not that scary

  4. aw just calm down and wait to your first day. meet new friends and gradually get use to your schedule. study hard!

  5. heres what you SHOULD worry about

    making new friends

    classes are easier then you think

    find out own style

    dont get into the drama

    dont be a flirt

  6. u should worry about your education instead. if u want to impress guys then go somewhere where people meet. ppl like u r infecting school with those S****y thing and the guys play along with their horniness

  7. well i have to admit, you should be a little bit nervous.

    but think about it this way, would you rather be the alone starting 6th grade or alone starting seventh? By now, everyoine will be meeting tons of new students, so no one will single you out as "the new kid" because you're all new to junior high. As for the first day, here's an idea of what to wear: Cute jeans, a tank top and tee over it, and a formfitting zip up. It's probably not a good idea to wear a skirt, because it might say "trying too hard"

    good luck, and enjoyu it and remember that it's ALL of the seventh graders first day of junior high, so its okay if you do get lost or feel nervous

  8. It's normal to be freaked out about moving to a new grade, and especially when your friends move!

  9. well,i didnt have a great expeiience in 7th grade, b/c everyone had been going through changes, puberty, and cliques wwere really starting to form, and you really found out who youre friends were. for you, might nt be so bad cuz you can start fresh with new people and make new friends coming from other schools. oh and for the "trends" and "hot stores" youll know the first day cuz every girl will be wearing abercrombie and hollister

  10. dont listen to people who say worry about your education, you dont learn ANYTHING in seventh.

    its not hard either, classes are the same as sixth just a little more difficult, but if you did alright last year youll be fine.  

    it doesn't really matter what you wear, as long as you make it your own!  try and avoid uber trendy places like Abercrombie, and look for little vintage stores, so youll have one of a kind outfits.

    as for the people, its gonna be a little awkward at first if you really dont know anyone. but that same thing happened to me, and i became BEST FRIENDS to this day with a new girl(:

    good luck!

  11. Its perfectly FINE to be worried, it happens to all of us! You'll easily make new friends, and just be happy and talkative and you'll have loads of totally sure many people are scared about it too, so you wont be the only one =D

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