
Should I be terrified of a Balck man in the White House or should I become reasonable and mature? ?

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Should I be terrified of a Balck man in the White House or should I become reasonable and mature? ?




  1. Man look at history. Everytime people were afraid of black people, it was because they were ignorant. Black people have fought in every war this nation has been involved in. Tuskegee Airmen were suppose to fail, they were victorious. Tiger Woods is half black like Obama, but alot of people like him and he's just like everybody else to include you. Fear of color/culture is ignorance. Open your mind and inhale different people and cultures into your life. Get out of your element and you will be amazed by what you thought you knew about people. People are divided and hate because they have formed their opinions prematurely and some were passed down generationally. Now I say be reasonable and mature and close your eyes and for get what color the President is. Pick who you think will lead this country better.

  2. The color of his skin should have no part in it!  The fact that he was in a race based America hating group for 20 years, the fact that he is friends with a home-grown terrorist, that he has a very left-wing socialistic agenda and the fact that he is very inexperienced ought to  ring a bell!  A reasonable and mature person would consider those issues and vote to keep him out of the White House!

  3. I wanted Hilary to win,BOO OMBAMA

  4. You should be terrified of a socialist in the White House.  The fact that you're not means you don't remember the Cold War.

  5. Well maybe if it was this Balck;

  6. I think you already know.  =)

    Have a nice day!


    Thank you! :)

  7. Yes you should be terrified That Obama is that Balck Man.

    But if It was Alan Keyes,Well then you might be better off.

  8. You should be terrified of THIS black man in the white house, that is for sure. The fact that he is black is irrelevant, though. You should be more worried about his socialist tendencies and criminal associations.

  9. you should be reasonable and mature because he is a very strong spirited person and should not be terrified just because he sounds like mlk

  10. hmm, im rooting for reasonable and mature!  

  11. A balck man? What is a balck man? If you mean black, it is not his melanin content that makes me "terrified" but his policy positions. How about talking about real issues and not trying to paint everyone who disagrees with him a a racist? OK?

  12. His political team is really diffrent and radical to me.  His past associations are rather shady and violent.  But if you have nothing better than to experiment with your  national defense go right ahead.

  13. Vote for who you think will be the best Pres.  Leave race and gender at the door.

  14. Terrified only if the man happens to wreck the country due to his agenda or ignorance.

  15. u should be scarred george bush.

  16. you coped with bush?? what could be worst??  

  17. You shouldnt be terrified that he is "black." You should be terrified because he is Muslim. The Muslims said that they would attack from inside, what better way that if our president was Muslim?


  18. You should worry about it only if that Black man is a racist. So, make sure you do vote for Obama.

  19. Nothing could be worse than white man Bush!

  20. I am not. I am terrified of an arab man in the White House.

  21. Become reasonable and mature and get over it

  22. Black is a color of skin you fear is unreasonable

  23. NO whatever a Balck man is, but you should fear an america hating, sexist, racist raging liberal.

  24. Stay horrified, at least that way you will learn not to expect anything

    beyond nothing.  

  25. You should be terrified with a Marxist in the White House.

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