
Should I be upset about high school cheating?

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Last year and in years previous, I helped many people through classes, I never cheated myself, but I helped MANY MANY others. Besides my help, there were large cheating rings and pretty much 9/10 people cheated. The top 10 in my class didn't cheat, I respect them very much, however, I'm stuck at community college because I slacked off, I usually did very well on tests and didn't do homework at all almost all of my teachers graded all but purely on homework, and checking my facebook, so many idiots, (Like the girl who signed the petition to stop women's suffrage, lol) are attending schools like UF with full rides that they didn't work a day for, I didn't work either, but I just don't know if its fair that some people cheat their way though school and they attend great schools, for free, while I pay out of pocket to go to Community College when I actually used my own brain to get through high school. Just doesn't seem right, school system needs work, but I also made my own bed, I'm not upset that I am not in as good as school as they are, its that they're in a good school and a great position they didn't earn in the least with no conscious about it.




  1. If you helped them cheat, you only have yourself to "thank" for where they are today. However, you can pick yourself up and go much farther if you decide to do what's right at this point. It's never too late to succeed! Quit focusing on who's wrong and make sure you yourself are doing what's right and you won't have to worry about who's ahead. Cheaters will always be with us, but you don't have to be one of them!

  2. Man this bugs me so much! You have a right to be upset. It is unfair that a LOT of people in the top 10% are only there because they cheat on every test. I'm at a community college as well, but I did pretty decent in high school. However, you can't control people's actions. Those people who cheat their way through life are just digging a deeper hole for themselves and will discover a rude awakening sometime in their life. If someone was trying to be a doctor, for instance, what are they going to do when they have to perform a surgical operation and have no idea what they're doing because they've cheated their way through medical school? Also, the salutatorian at my high school was caught cheating on e-school BCIS and ended up having to graduate in August, rather than in June with the rest of the class. She was supposed to go to Columbia, but I'm pretty sure she probably got denied now. How ironic. Once second in the class, and now she graduated with probably a majority of the bottom of the class. So just continue doing the right and respectful thing by not cheating, while those people fail in other aspects of their life and their cheating catches up to them, much like the salutatorian at my school. You will be much more successful in life than those other losers.  

  3. forget you i am not rading all that  

  4. Eventually, cheating will catch up to cheaters. Schools don't do a good job of weeding out the clever ones, but jobs do.

    You didn't do your homework. You slacked off. That is why you didn't go where you wanted to. Don't mind what everyone else does. Fix your own problems first.

  5. First you need to know that life is not fair. Accept it and you will be much happier. Second you cannot control the actions of others only your own. Third you also know that they are only cheating themselves and it will or will not catch up to them at some point. This doesn't concern you. Your actions concern you. Get to work so that you have a good future.

  6. It'll come around and slap them in the face - trust me! I know a girl who wants to be a doctor, and she cheated off of me in AP Bio ALL THE TIME!!! She got straight A's, has a higher ranking than me, but guess what? I passed the AP exam and she got a 1! UF isn't even that much a great school anyways - it's just hard to get into because so many people apply. As far as academics go at that school, well let's just say it isn't an Ivy League school.

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