
Should I be upset?

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I just bought a bike and my first bike since middle school. Everyone said go to a bike shop because they'll know what you need and all that. So I went and maybe I was naive on my part I only went to one that was close to my house. I bought a trek 4300 and it didn't come with a water bottle holder, or the stand or anything. A couple people got some of those things and they paid a lot less then me :(. I feel kind of taken advantage of because I don't know that much about bikes so I went there hoping for good advice. How would you feel?




  1. Well it depends... did they buy the same exact bike from the same exact place?  If so that's just flat out wrong of the bike shop to be all playing favorites and whatnot.  Classless.

    Hey but sweet bike!  You are going to love it.

    You know when you buy a car you feel like c**p for like 2 months afterwards... you check the paper and there it is for less... or there's great financing... or you know this guy who worked the deal hard...

    But man - really - is it worth all the trouble to haggle over a couple of bucks?  Even a couple thousand dollars is no big deal when it comes to financing... but a penny saved - I hear you.

    As for the bike - you don't really need a kickstand - it will just slow you down.  It's the first thing I take off if the bike comes standard (which is why they don't usually).  And the water bottle... well... it would have been nice for them to throw in some freebies regardless!!!

    I'm one of those silent shoppers.  If I get burned (and it only takes once) I never return AND I tell everyone I know how I got burned - like in the local online bike forum!!!  It's an idea for you.

  2. Good bikes don't come with a kick stand. They add extra weight and get in the way. Most also don't come with a bottle holder because there are many different kinds to choose from.

    You can ask the dealer if he'll throw in a water bottle holder for you.You can get one for less than $5.

  3. Bike shops really should offer a free bottle holder with a new bike. At the ones I bought from have...

    Then again - Don't ask and you wont receive.

  4. Treks are great bikes so a little more is great

    if u just ride it casually than a kickstand would have been better

  5. i think you should feel totally upset. you got ripped off

  6. First off, the kickstand should have already been on there- demand that you want one.  Water bottle holder and any other accessories are always extra cost.  You bought a decent bike, however it is a recreational mountain, is that what you wanted?

  7. when you buy amountain bike from a bike shop they dont come with kickstands if thats what your talking about they get in the way when riding   comfort bikes and hybrid bikes have them cause there not on mountains or anything  as for waterbottle holders  i dont know why it came with there bikes  because there not suppose to  maybay they got those with more money

  8. If i were i would consider returning the bike. whenever you make a purchase like that, it's important to shop around, compare prices, talk to people, and do some internet research. you're doing yourself a disservice by walking into that shop and taking their advice as fact.

  9. well yeah, i'd be pissed too!!  if they can get bikes cheaper, and get all that stuff, why cant you??  go back and tell them what you want, or you'll take your business elsewhere.  good luck

  10. i think that bike might have other better things than a bottle holder and you can buy accessories for it,like it happen to me everybody had the newest bikes and i had the one from my mom and i felt not the best with it so i saved some money and got me some accessories for my bike

  11. It's about time we stamped out the idea that bike shops are run by benevolent bike gnomes who would rather give you a bike than sell you the wrong one.

    Bike shops are the same as carpet shops or shoe shops they are there to make the owner a profit.  If they can be helpful at the same time as selling you something they will but don't expect completely unbiased advice.
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