
Should I be vegetarian and give up all products that animals are slaughtered for ?? Is what PETA says true?

by Guest31749  |  earlier

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What are the benefits?

What are the disadvantages?

What if you are a guest in someones house and they offer you a meal, isn't it offensive to say no if it has an animal slaughter-product in it?

Will people laugh at me?

I am a real meat eating meat lover but I want to stop for animals after watching a PETA video.....

PLEASE HELP !!! - God Bless !!




  1. Peta produces negative propaganda to try to brainwash people.  Some of it may be true and they exaggerate a lot of it.  Don't believe everything you hear.  Do your own research.  However, there are other reasons for going vegan.  A vegan diet is much healthier.  

    1)  The benefits would be a healthier diet and less money for the meat and dairy industries.

    2)  It isn't offensive to tell someone you are vegetarian/vegan.  Don't use the term "animal slaughter-product", as this will offend people.  Diet is a personal choice and I don't believe that one should insult others who are different.  I certainly wouldn't insult a Muslim or a Catholic or a Buddhist about their beliefs, even though I don't agree with their doctrine.

    3)  Throughout your life people will laugh at you about all kinds of stuff.  Deal with it and don't let it bother you.

    4)  I like meat too and I'm vegan.  If what you believe in is right for you, than go for it.

  2. I'm vegetarian and I absolutely love PETA.

    Benefits - Many innocent animals are killed daily for our benefit. You being a vegetarian makes you feel proud that you are saving animals lives by refusing to eat meat.

    Disadvantages - Uhm. I'm not really sure if there are any. I love being a vegetarian.

    No, it's not offensive. Give them a smile and say "No thanks. I dont eat meat."

    I have never been laughed at by being a vegetarian. && If someone does, who cares? It's your choice, don't let other people influence you to do things you don't want to.

  3. Do what you can do to change, sometimes the smallest of changes can help in the largest ways !  You have to take things one step at a time one foot in front of the other!  If you are a meat love "me too"  Then don't start there start by buying things that are not tested on animals, or if you can save an animal from a shelter, but that also a large responsibility so only do it if you can.  make smarter choices like instead of getting shampoo that they test on an animal get one that they don't!  we can only do so much  if we make to many changes at one time we are bound to fail we take it one step at a time you are more likely to succeed on your endeavors and do more research and figure out what you believe!

  4. never believe someone that is trying to sell you something (and PETA is trying to sell you things), even if you agree. educate yourself then make your choice.

    and yes people will laugh at you, just like im sure someone laughed at you  "god bless" comment, it was different and that stands out. and people laugh when someones fly is open.

  5. It could be true i've heard that some bad stuff goes on my cousin went vegetarian because of the research he did!!

  6. Yes

    That would be the best option and the health benefits would be enormous

  7. It is your choice, Maybe you should read up on it to make your choice.

  8. First of all it is great to be a vegetarian!

    Advantages- high vegetable diets are proven to cut health problems. Such as you will have less of a chance to get some types of heart problems. Even for is said that you have less of a chace if you are a vegetarian

    disadvantages- you many not get the iron you need. But just take an iron pill and your set. Not to hard.

    Just say I dont eat meat but thank you. People do not judge you that much. If you say something mean like "that animal was slaughtered  so no" then that is being mean and rude. Its your choice so people respect it.

    People actually think its cool.... not werid like you may thing/

  9. well i've been a vegetarian for over a year now and of course SOME people laugh, but many really admire it. PETA stretches the truth a little but most of it is (sadly) true. I was also a meat lover, but now i don't want it at ALL anymore!

  10. PETA personally are looney tunes.....there a bit too radical and anyone who watches a peta video would wanna run out and be a vegetarian too..... I love animals and I am a animal activist but dont support dont need meat to survive its your personal decision dont let others decide something this big in your life...........personally im trying to be vegetarian and have given up meat i just gotta give up chicken and fish but i will

  11. Here is a wonderful site that has helped me with information on being a vegetarian.

    It is not offensive to the family who cooks you a meal.  Now these days many people should be able to understand.

    People who are rude will laugh, but it is your choice and your life and it will make you a stronger person.

  12. the best you can do is research BOTH sides from impartial sources, preferably government approved websites as these will give unbiased information

    then you can make your own decision

    after all being able to make your own decision is one of the few luxuries we all have

  13. PETA is against eating meat but they killed thousands of dogs .

  14. dont do it. it is lame. if you do that you admit that you have the same intelligence as a cow as you refuse to dominate them. dont listen to peta its propaganda

    they are like hitler

    dont be a n**i

  15. PETA videos are mostly false. I've personally been in the kinds of places (well not chicken farms) that are shown in those videos and there is an EXTREME amount of fact distortion going on. It is possible to say one fact different ways and have it come across very differently each time. Everything you saw and heard was chosen very carefully in order to make people believe that the meat industry is evil and cruel. If you believe that "animals are people too", then that is a great reason to go vegetarian. If you want to do it for your health or you had an intense personal experience (read: not watching propaganda videos) those are great reasons to go vegetarian. Going veg*n because PETA says so or one of your friends or a random online veg*n says so, all not-so-great reasons. Decide for yourself, because if you do change your eating habits because of PETA, in all likelihood it won't last past a couple of months anyway.

  16. PETA is just like any other special interest group. They use the "worst-of-the-worst" examples to further their cause. Like any other group with a political agenda they try spin any facts to their favor. Anybody who says they are not political is kidding themselves. "Write your congressman" and "we need legislation to...." are common PETA phrases.

    Make an informed decision by examining ALL sides of an issue before succumbing to a propaganda video.

    Over thousands of years humans have been omnivores, capable of eating plant and animal for nourishment. The choice is yours.

    If you feel sorry for animals in the huge agri-business factory farms, why not purchase meats, milk and eggs, etc. from a farmers market or co-op where you will know that the animals have been raised properly on a private farm. Or even, take up hunting or fishing or even gardening and produce your own food. You may find a different kind of respect for your source of food.

  17. Congratulations! turning into a cruelty-free living style is one of the most noble things you can do.

    I have been vegetarian for about 4 years now, for the very same reasons you're detailing, I love animals, I don't want to eat them.

    First of all, there's no rule or must-to-do in vegetarianism. It's kind of a personal choice,depends on how much you are willing to help animals. There are several types or vegetarianism, if you keep on eating eggs and milk you will fall in the category of ovo-lacto-vegetarian. This is the most common kind in western culture. But if when talking about "veganism" we will find that this is a more complex philosophy of life. Vegans do not consume any animal product: including meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, dairy products, honey, fur, leather, wool, and silk, nor any animal by-product like gelatin, lanolin, rennet, whey, casein, beeswax, and shellac. They also oppose to animal factory, tests and laboratory experimentation on animals, use of animals for entertainment purposes (such as circuses and bull fights) and any other kind of exploitation of animals.


    For me two of the most important, among many others…

    HEALTH , a proper balanced vegetarian diet lowers the risk of heart disease, obesity, cancer, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, cholesterol and many other fatal diseases.

    ETHICS: Animals feel pain, animals suffer… why should you treat some animals as food and others as pets? You will feel that great satisfaction of being compassionate, believe me, as Franz Kafka said “ Now I can look at you in peace… I don’t eat you anymore” admiring a fish in an aquarium.


    HEALTH: Of course , as in ANY other alimentary regimen (including onmivorism and even when having a meat-based diet ) if you do not learn how to eat, what to eat, how to balance your meals you can suffer of health problems.

    SOCIAL: You need to be willing to deal with a huge social pressure… like in my case, being vegetarian in Mexico is h**l. In my cultural environment meat is always present. If you’re able to deal with this and defend your point of view, you don’t have anything to fear.

    I have never had any problem when refusing food in someone’s house, just be polite, say thanks to the offering and take those dishes you can eat ,people will understand , it’s not that you are saying that their food is garbage, it’s only that it doesn’t go along with your diet. If you want to avoid or prevent to feel uncomfortable in some situation like this this, be sure to clarify as soon as you’re invited, believe me! This way they can arrange some food for you and you will not feel bad, or how about yourself cooking a veg dish at home and take it to the meal you were invited? , this way you can share with them as well!

    People reactions´ will be really diverse, some will laugh about you, some will show a lot of interest, some (as me) will congrat you, some will criticize, and most of them will make a lot of questions. Don’t worry! You just need to be sure and comfortable about your decision. You cannot live your life under others judgments can you? Ignore offenses, read a lot, answer with wise and well-built arguments. People may not understand your position, it’s up to you to make up their minds.

    Good luck! , if you need some further help, write me at

  18. That's great you're thinking of going vegetarian! Sadly, PETA's undercover footage is real. Other organizations (like Mercy for Animals and Compassion Over Killing) have also done investigations and found the same conditions.


    -Reduces animal suffering

    -Better for the environment; plant-based diets are more efficient

    -Protects your health -- meat consumption is associated with a variety of health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, colon cancer, etc.

    -Many people find it easier to lose weight

    -Have more energy


    -Not as convenient

    -Some people are very threatened by vegetarians and want to argue / criticize you

    If you're a guest, the best thing to do is bring your own food and bring enough to share. You could call ahead and explain that you're vegetarian so you'll be bringing your own food. It's not offensive to turn down the meat. Many people have special diets that would cause them to turn down food -- for instance, someone who eats a kosher diet.

    Some people will laugh, but that's their problem. When most people find out I'm vegetarian they are either curious or interested.

    Check out for lots of info and tips. Good luck!

  19. Yes the Peta videos are all true...sad isn't it?

    I decided to go on a vegan diet when I started learning about the slaughtering..

    There aren't really any disadvanteges to the vegan diet- there are so many vegan subsitutions for almost everything.

    The Benifits are..weight loss- a more healthy natural diet, Saving animals..and many more..

    Being a guest in someone's house isn't a problem..if they offer you dinner- just tell them you are vegan, or you can also decline the offer.

    If you want some help with this, please feel free to email me

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