
Should I be wearing a gum shield/mouth guard over my braces when I play field hockey?

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Should I ask my ortho if I need one? Around 2 or 3 people have been hit in the mouth when I've played these past few years, and I'm afraid that with braces it will pull out or ruin my teeth if a hockey ball hits?? Should I get one...noone else in my team wears them though =(




  1. i would too.

    its better then fixing ur teeth at the dentist every two weeks

    sooo in my opinion wear one...

  2. Yeah, It will protect your teeth, and can help prevent concussions.

  3. I would wear one. I play ice hockey and have to wear a full face shield but I still wear a mouth guard. My teeth are too important to me to loose them over a puck or stick hitting. And just think, you paid a ton of money on your teeth. Protect them, even if you are the only one who wears one. Look are at the stores. Now you can get cool colors and some places sell them with designs on the them.  

  4. i would. Why pay all that money on your teeth if your are not even going to protect them? I wore mine when i played ice hockey.

  5. Yep. If nothing else it protects your lips and gums. One of the ugliest baseball injuries I ever saw was a kid who was hit in the mouth with the ball and it somehow folded his lip under his braces.  

  6. yeah u need one more then people without braces. go to your local sports store and get the ones that are meant for people with braces because the other ones dont work

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