
Should I be worried? Or is this normal teenage behavior?

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My 18 year old brother locks himself in his room playing World of Warcraft 24-7. He sleeps for a few hours, goes to class if he has to, and manages only to tear away from this game to go to his part time job. I am really worried about his social life and his academic achievement. He never studies or does any homework. Is World of Warcraft turning my brother into a loser or am I over-reacting???




  1. It sounds like an addiction.  Psychologists recognize many types of addictions, e.g. drugs, s*x, gambling, computer, and video games.  It is not normal behavior.  You are not over-reacting.

  2. I can understand your concern. At this point, he is well on his way to becoming a Cyber-hermit. (Someone who has separated themselves from the real world, only to acknowledge it when absolutely necessary, in avoidance of starvation and for bodily functions)

  3. sounds like you got a WOW addict. tell him he will have to get laid by digitized characters instead of real girls if he keeps on playing.

  4. ha ha ah  theused,

    He's habing a teen-age moment and he is fine don't  worry  about it too much I think about things like you sometimes too.


  5. Normal...but not healthy...he needs a little more sleep and a little more variety in his life to be healthy....oooh the circulation problems he's going to have later in life....

  6. yeah you got a wow lover. this is pretty sad. he would have to start doing something else. buy him a hooker and then see what happens. or what i would do is take WOW away and hide it. his only social life would probably be with digital characters he meets online. dont get me wrong its cool to play games but just hide it from him for about a week and see what happens. either that or introduce him to pot and then tell him to play. he probably wont want to play after this.

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