
Should I be worried.. Or no?

by  |  earlier

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I've been havin' stomach cramps, almost like I'm gonna start my period.. but I've had 'em for a week or so. I've also had really sore b*****s but never experienced that before a period 'n have had a period for 6 yrs. My fiance 'n I were intimate last night.. when I woke up to use the bathroom this mornin', I saw I'm bleedin'. I haven't had a period is almost 2 yrs due to the depo shot, got off it April of this yr 'n have only spotted. Do u think it could be something else, or just my period? We're tryin' to conceive right now too, but I've never had bleedin' durin' the beginnin' stages of pregnancy. So, who knows?




  1. you may be pregnant...i'd go see your OB/GYN

  2. Get to an OBGYN quick. You may have a problem that needs to be addressed. Good Luck.

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