
Should I be worried about getting a retainer?

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Getting it tomorow and wonder if it will hurt getting it on or if there's any long term affects




  1.'re teeth may be sore but, the only long term is that you basically have to wear it for years (not 24/7) or your teeth can move back into its old position.  I wore mine for 24/7 for about 2-4 weeks (even though it was supposed to be for the first 6 months) then I just started wearing it at night, and now I just wear it when i go to sleep maybe every other weekend, sometimes ive gone a month.  I've had mine for about 2 years

  2. No way. It is better than having braces.

  3. They hurt way less then braces.

  4. i just got my braces off today! I got a permanent retainer on my bottom teeth, its a thin wire that goes on the back of the front 6 teeth, it doesn't hurt at all, it just feels a little weird like a little bump there. but u cant see it and it doesnt cause any pain, not when they put it on either, they put some toothpaste stuff and glue or something where they put the retainer and keep putting that air thing on it to dry. You dont feel a diffrence that much.

    Good Luck =) Hope I Helped!

  5. nopee retainers are nothing compared to braces

  6. it might be soar for awhile but you dont notice it. and the only long term affect IS THAT YOUR TEETH R GONNA BE GREAT

    ~hope this helps

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