
Should I be worried about if he thinks of me as more than a friend?

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Ok so this guy I use to like and who use to like me is starting to talk to me again but I don't like him anymore and he has a girl friend. I just think of him as a really good friend and we were talking for really long and sometimes he gave hints of flirting but I ignored it. Like he would say "Hows my cutie doing?" or "I wana make you happy, and you and my gf are the only people I'm this nice too". He has these nicknames too, like cutieful, and silly goose. lol, and stuff like that, but I thought he was just being playful. The next day he tells me he had a dream of me and then he didn't wana tell me what it was about but I made him. And he said he was walking me home cause I missed my bus and since his girl friend is short and he is tall in real life I had asked him the night before how they kiss. And then he said in the dream I asked him the same question and he showed me (in other words he kissed me). I just pretended to laugh when he told me even though i was a little nervous and uncomfortable and he asked me if I would ever let him walk me home. And I was like yeah I guess if you wanted to but the last part would never happen. And hes like how do you know? I don't know if hes just teasing or if hes actually thinking about 'us'. I really like him as a friend because hes really nice but I don't want him to like me cause thats akward. What should I do?

Oh yeah and his girl friend goes to a different school than us but he says hes crazy for her.




  1. i wouldn't trust him.  

    please help:;...

  2. No. It's fine, as long as you remember to tell him that you want to stay as friends...

    If he asks you out, then yes... because, he's already got a girl friend that he's so-called 'crazy' for. (Or he could just be saying that to try to make you jealous.)

    Hope all goes well. =D

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