
Should I be worried about lemons that are brownish on the inside (middle)?

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Are they okay to eat (juice)?




  1. I am a fruit & vegetable broker for 37

    years.Another cause of dark inside

    my have been freeze damage. When

    in doubt  throw it out !!!!! Cheap and

    easy to buy fresh.  

  2. Is it the membrane around the individual sections that is brown or the sections themselves?

    If it is the membrane, they are okay to eat, but I would do so in the very near future.  You are not going to want to eat the membrane itself as the tissues there are starting to dry out (hence the discoloration), but you can eat the pulp/juice inside the segments.  

    If the pulp inside the segments is brown, throw the lemons away.  They have gotten too old and are decaying.

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