
Should I be worried about my daughter's development?

by Guest33816  |  earlier

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I have a 15 month old daughter and I have noticed that she is not saying many words outside of mom, dada and no. Should I be concerned about her verbal development? I also have 3 other children that have different developmental delays. Could she also have a delay or am I just worrying about nothing? What is normal for this age?




  1. depends on the kid, for now id say dont worry about it. just talk to her as much as possible and point things out and use the name of whatever it is. i think right now yeah some kids say more, but a lot say 3-5 words so shes fine. i knew a little girl that didnt talk till she was 4 and she was perfectly fine. i wouldnt worry now, just talk and use words a lot around her. good luck

  2. That's fine most children get sentences together around 18months to 2 years old her development is fine just enjoy your daughter

  3. You may be worrying about nothing. My Grand Daughter made a lot of sounds that mocked speech up until just after her 2nd birthday and then all of the sudden she started putting words together. She was saying Papa, Grandma, Momma and Daddy at 15 months and a lot of gibberish we couldn't understand. You and your baby will do just fine.

  4. It's less than many kids but she's still definitely in the range of normal.  If you haven't already taken her for her 15-month checkup, you can raise it and I expect your pediatrician will reassure you.  Otherwise, if she's still not talking much by the 18-month checkup, raise it then.  

    One of my kids didn't start talking at all (even one word) till 14 months, but was speaking in paragraphs with hundreds of words by 18 months.  So I definitely wouldn't panic.  Because you have other kids with delays, I'd mention it at the next checkup, but don't panic in the meantime.

    Frustrating that with only a few words one of them has to be "no", isn't it? Obviously that part is totally on-target and normal with her development! ;-)

  5. Yes, you need to be concern, or at least watch

    At her 18 month check ask her doctor

    Ask if she can be tested for hearing and speech

    Yes, a child that age can be tested

    See if you can start speech therapy

  6. considering your family history of developmental delays you may want to be proactive and get her screened by early intervention now. She may not qualify now, but considering the family history they may have her put into speech therapy to make sure she does not start to lag behind. I believe that at 15 months old they should be saying 12-24 words. My son does have  a delay and when he was tested by the speech therapist  she said he was at a 15 month level and he said 10 words.

    hope this helps

  7. I wouldn't worry until your daughter is 2.  My daughter didn't start talking until she was 2 years old.

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