
Should I be worried about my husbands female co-worker???

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We had a car accident a few weeks ago and now only have one vehicle which is fine because I'm a stay at home mom.. But today was school registration and I took my husband to work. He mentioned that "becky" could just bring him home this evening since she lives down the road from us anyway . That way I wouldn't have to make so many trips. I said O.K. :o(

But I don't know if that was a good decision.. He brings her name up all the time because they work beside each other, it's normal. But he always talks about how all the guys are constantly flirting with her, and how most the women at the factory act trashy away from their husbands, and he'd never want me to work in a factory because the way people act. Guys popping her bra strap, and her walking in the lunch room showing

off the new color of undys she just bought; wierd stuff like that.He says she don't talk or act that way around him. That she talks about her family and kids.. We've been together for 12 years which could be good or bad.. But this is a new job and town for us and I'm probably a bit jealous.. Should I pick him up or allow her to bring him home on her way? I just don't want to open a can of worms here.




  1. well if it was me, i wouldnt let some trashy girl be bringing my husband home, thats just asking for it. i would tell him you dont feel comfy with it

  2. Do you trust your husband? Has he ever given you reason to think he would cheat?

    Men and woman can be just friends.

  3. There is nothing wrong with you being jealous. You're suppose to be jealous. He's your husband!!! Like I stated in another posting,

    Definition of Jealous: to guard and protect what belongs to you.

    He is yours and it is ok to be jealous. No, it doesn't mean you don't trust him, it means you're protecting your husband from Satan's temptations. If you feel you should pick him up, go. If you feel you can let just this one time slide by, than don't. Use your judgment and make sure your husband understands how you feel and why you feel this way. Best of Luck!!!

  4. PICK UP YOUR HUSBAND!!! If she acts different around your husband she might be instered in him and at work she might flirt with him you know small things... keep your guard up and talk to your husband about trying not to be around her too much you don't want any problems now do you?

  5. This is EXACTLY the same things my husband was saying about the WH*RE he had an affair with when he started a new factory job. She talked about her fiance and her children with him but all the other guys flirted, smacked her on the bottom, etc.  I didn't think anything of it until I investigated why he was away for 2 unaccountable hours and used my cell to call her. He's a dumb*ss! I would be VERY careful with a woman like this. I can't tell you what to do but you need to make it VERY clear with him that you WILL NOT tolerate any fooling around.

    I am SUPER CONCERNED for you!!!!!

    Also, I WOULD NOT have her bring him home or he may conveniently have to "work" late!!!!

  6. She sounds like a huge s*ut!!  I would not trust her nor would I trust my husband around her.  Tell your husband that you are picking him up and ask if you can meet her.  Who knows maybe she is really ugly and has nothing on you.

  7. Pick him up.  Don't give another woman the chance to flirt with your husband outside of work, too.

    Pick him up.  End of story.  If you don't pick him up, soon, they will be carpooling...!!!  and sharing blow jobs...  you get the idea...

    I don't believe in carpooling with the opposite s*x, ever...!

    His job is to take care of you, not her, her job is not to take care of him, but, only her husband...

    God Bless!


  8. You either trust your husband or you don't.  Hopefully you trust him and you can feel that this truly isn't a big deal.  My guess is that he does find her interesting but that he loves you.  I think he just may be hinting at you when talking about all that stuff that he would like you to occasionally be a bit more trashy at home for some fun.

  9. sunshine... you said it ... make friends with beck. and see ask her over for coffie and see for yourself..  

  10. You know I'd probably feel the same way at first. I  mean you just move and a new job. I'd be leary to just because of that alone. So I think the jealousy is a normal thing right now. But don't let the jealousy start to consume you. Life sucks when that happens. And your just reacting to all of these new situations your encountering. I think that it's pretty normal right now.

    Maybe invite your husbands friend over for dinner or something like that. So you can get to know her a bit. I think that would put your mind and heart more at ease at least a little bit.

    My husband also tells me everything that happens at work basically about everyone and I kinda felt the same way as you. But I had the chance to meet people from his work and felt better about everything.  Your husband is just sharing what goes on at work. He probably shouldn't be so graphic and things. Some things should just stay at work. Tell your husband how you feel. Be honest about it to him so that he knows exactly how you feel. You have a say is all of it. Your his wife. I would let her bring him home so that you can take it easy a bit. A stay at home mom is a lot of work. Just see what is going on. Try to relax. Your husband doesn't know how you feel so don't forget to talk to him. Good Luck with every thing!!!!!  

  11. If you trust him then you should let her drive him home. But if it bothers you then talk to him about it and let him know that this situation is uncomfortable for you. Honestly I doubt that she does not act that way with your husband and I would not want my man getting a ride from some girl that shows her underwear to other guys. Obviously she really likes the attention.

  12. I feel your reading more into this than is actually there.  It is obvious that your husband loves and respects you, that is why he is at ease talking to you about Becky.  It is nice that he can talk to you about another woman and not worry about you getting jealous, so do not spoil that.  If he suddenly stopped talking about her and made efforts to suddenly change the conversation, then you have the right to be jealous, but as it stands, he is just getting a ride from a friend that he works with.  You have a great man there, don't forget to tell him.

  13. From a practical point of view, unless you think they are going to have s*x in the car, I don't really see what difference it makes. He could just as well stop by her place tomorrow when he has his own car.

  14. It's natural to feel like this when your partner has just started a new job and especially in a new town where the first people he meets make an impression on him, but it doesn't mean anything when it comes to cheating. Most likely, she has made him feel very welcome there and he feels more at ease with her. Eventually he will get to know everyone else even better and he'll have more people to talk about.

    Things will always seem worse than they are when you feel jealous, remember that.

    Let him take the ride, she is both you and him a favour.

    If anything starts getting out of hand you'll know about it and bring it up, but for now, he could do with some friends..

  15. I wouldnt jump to conclusions and this sounds like a normal working relationship, dont freak out. I would agree with the answer above...if he stops talking about her, then worry.

  16. This question really just reminds me once again how dumb women are.  

  17. F*ck Becky or any other b*tch who wants to take your man home!!! Don't throw your husbands into the wolve's cave. Even if you trust him he can fall into temptations.

    Guys mess around with women in that type of work environment and vise versa. Maybe cuz of temptations or cuz there are not many women who work at factories so they like that they have females at the work site and women cuz they like the attention of other men.

    It's good your husband it telling you about this Becky so you know what's going on at work. Him telling you can mean he has no bad intentions with her but that does NOT guarantee he CANNOT do something stupid. You know your husband well but you don't know HER. So DO NOT let her or any other woman do those or other "favors" for your husband.

    If he continues to talk about this Becky I suggest you ask him why he always brings her up. If you are jealous and uncomfortable let him know that it makes you feel uncomfortable how he's always talking about her. He should understand and if not stop perhaps minimize what he says. If he does stop and doesn't tell you anything else about Becky don't feel insecure or doubtful that he might now be hidding things.

    It always helps me when I meet a bf's female friend because I see with my own eyes how she acts around him. So maybe getting a physical view of this "Becky" can help ease your jealousy.

    Good luck to you my friend!!! Do not let no other female EVER take YOUR place.

  18. Pick your man up, no matter how far you have to drive. The less time he spends with her the better. He should also understand how you feel about this. Showing off her underwear to a bunch of men co-workers says a lot about the kind of person she is. Tell your husband to be careful with this situation it could reall blow up. Good luck!

  19. If he stops talking about her worry.

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