My little sister is 19 and her boyfriend proposed to her before leaving for basic training in April. He hasn't been home since. From what she knows they sent him from basic to another base to study. He said he got some type of computer job for the Army. She knows he's working hard. But they haven't really talked to each other in five days. That's getting to her. She worries he won't ever contact her. Till they let him off for Labor Day. So he says. I know she loves him very much. It seems like she's changing. More angry, more upset, caring less about herself (so far just her eating habits.) staying up later, being less social with us. I think she's holding in what she wants to do. Make him realize what she feels right now, get upset with him about not being contacted, tell him she loves him and wants to help him even when hes real stressed. Probably just cry and let him know she is. But she doesn't do that because she doesn't want to add more stress to his life. So she's directing all of that towards everyone else. She said she won't contact him at all till he does first. I think that would make him think she stopped caring. Should I worry about my sister along with my mother?