
Should I be worried about my teen daughters obsession with bright childish things??

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My daughter is 15 years old, and she seems to have an obsession with anything childish or bright and happy. For example, she has a shirt with a smiley face that says have a nice day that she adores. People always comment on how happy she seems. She also frequently plays with playmobil or little action figures. My daughter has even told me that she loves bright colors and she occasionally watches things like Barney

She is also extremely intelligient, she reads complex books about evolution and philosophy that even I don't understand, and has always gotten good grades. She has plenty of friends, and a lot of them are even older than her, say 17-19 which is part of the reason why this makes no sense. I know she has used pot quite a few times, and maybe even harder drugs, but I am pretty sure she is not addicted to anything. She has always been odd and different but I just don't understand this, should I be very worried?




  1. Be happy that your kid isn't cutting herself. My mom would have traded her for me any day. Happy kids are nothing to be worried about.

    Sorry if my first two sentences sounded a bit vulgar O_o

  2. nah.

  3. its probobly an emotional thing so dont be to hard on her, she might have probloms with some of her friends or school ect. so she tries to focus on something else to keep her happy. try to support her and make her feel happy but make her avoid bad people drugs s*x ect.

  4. no, im 15 and love to act like a kid! i room is like 7 different colors and were at that stage in our lives where we kno were almost adults but dont want to be and we try to hold on to our childhood as long as possible by acting like kids!!

  5. its a form of being unique these days, hopefully it will be gone soon.

  6. Deep down, we all like shiney, happy, innocent things!  They make us feel good!  But we don't all like to admit it... we have to act cool and sophisticated and serious, because we think that's what's expected of us.  This is especially true of teenagers, who are eager to show the world how mature they are.  Eventually we outgrow the need to impress others; we become comfortable with who we are and we stop caring what people think of our tastes and interests.  

    My daughter (17) has a friend with two younger sisters.  The 6-year-old is totally into the Barbie thing right now.  The 12-year-old wouldn't be caught dead with a Barbie; it's too babyish for her!  But my daughter and her friend, the high school seniors, have been known to pull out the Barbie dream house on more than once occassion!  They're past the stage of needing to seem "grown up" and can enjoy a little fun without worrying about what anyone thinks.

    I think your daughter is mature beyond her years and is too confident and comfortable with who she is to worry about hiding what she likes.  So I don't think you have anything to worry about!

  7. She is expressing herself with a personal style.  It's good that she is an individual and not a Gap slave.  Maybe you can support her likes.  In Japan "Kawaii" (means "cute') is a street fashion and whole culture (like hello kitty, etc.)  that is now having an influence here.  Look it up online and show her!  She will get fun new ideas.

  8. thats nothing to worry about...

    you should be glad that she has such a happy personality and is happy all the time...

    and u should also be glad that she is able to do whatever she wants without worrying what others will think.

    more people in this world need to be like her.

  9. well im 14 and my favorite show is the backyardigans.

    its not such a terrible thing that she is happy. she could be out there getting pregnant like some other s***s, cough cough i mean girls, her age.

    let  her be who she is, and get her some help for the drugs.

  10. Honestly, my mom would go out and buy us kids little kid toys til who knows how old we were. I'm 18 and she got me some different little kid things this year for Christmas. It probably is just a phase she's going through and hey, if she's happy AND smart, then AWESOME! I woudln't be worried. If you are that worried though, try to talk to her and find out why!

  11. I was a happy kid and loved bright colors and even watched cartoon shows for a long time.  I do not think there is anything to worry about there.  I am not really sure about drugs though.

  12. It could just be a stage. I still have a rainbow painted on my wall...I don't see anything wrong with bright colors.

    I would be a lot more worried about  the pot than bright colors..

  13. why complain? shes fine. atleast shes not out s******g every guy and making money off it. instead shes safe in your house watching barney.

    if that whats she likes then let her.

  14. You should send her to boot camp or military camp. My mom did this to me and I only lost one leg.

  15. i am like this, i am 17 and the favorite part about babysitting is the fact i get to watch dora. You shouldn't worry, she seems very mature in other areas, like education and socially, so this could just be a way to enjoy being a kid, unless this is a new obsession, the drugs didn't do it to her, allow her to have fun, my mom and i go through all kinds of stores and watch tv shows just to have fun and get weird looks. Its a way to have fun, brighten your day, and remember that not everything needs to be grown up.

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