My daughter is 15 years old, and she seems to have an obsession with anything childish or bright and happy. For example, she has a shirt with a smiley face that says have a nice day that she adores. People always comment on how happy she seems. She also frequently plays with playmobil or little action figures. My daughter has even told me that she loves bright colors and she occasionally watches things like Barney
She is also extremely intelligient, she reads complex books about evolution and philosophy that even I don't understand, and has always gotten good grades. She has plenty of friends, and a lot of them are even older than her, say 17-19 which is part of the reason why this makes no sense. I know she has used pot quite a few times, and maybe even harder drugs, but I am pretty sure she is not addicted to anything. She has always been odd and different but I just don't understand this, should I be very worried?