
Should I be worried about sailing from Philippines to Thailand?

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I got a job in Thailand for few years, but first we'll fly to Philippines and then we'll take a sailboat to Thailand (I'm going with co-workers). It's not a small boat, it's a big one, with three or four masts and the sailors are very skilled, they were all around the globe. Anyway I was reading about modern pirates and now I'm scared. I know they are mostly attacking cargo and cruise ships, but what about sailboats? It's not a luxurious one, but I'm still worried.




  1. It could be a problem. Keep a good lookout especially at night.


    Here are some of the hot spots.

    Life is dangerous, you figure out what you want to risk.

    You are more likely to be injured/killed doing something related to sailing than being a victim of p****y.

    I do know that if pirates tried to commandeer my vessel, I would kill them if the opportunity arose.

    I wouldn't even feel bad.

  3. Your fear is a valid one. The normal course from the Philippines to Thailand takes you through pirate plagued waters of the Malacca straights. This can be mitigated by keeping a 24 hour a day watch and packing some weapons for self defense nothing extravagant just enough to show you are armed and they should go pick on someone else. Also keep your radio on and listen for reports or distress signals these will tip you off as to where pirates might be. there are those who will say this is alarmist but the pirate problem is getting way out of hand and if you are prepared then you can at least beat the problem if not you become the victim. If nothing happens at all at least you were ready for it.

  4. Life is an adventure.  Go.

    You are safer on a sailing boat in the Philippines than you are in NY City, or for that matter almost any major city in the US.

    While there are pirates, they are still few and very far between.  

    If you were in a little 35 foot boat with just the two of you, then you should be concerned, but in a large fully crewed sailing ship that regularly works those waters I think you have very little to fear except sunburn, constipation and seasickness.

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