
Should I be worried about this?? Pic inside...?

by Guest65616  |  earlier

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I got the big round bite around 2ish this afternoon...well that's when I noticed it. Now it has these red lines going down, and it is starting to get sore. I have no idea what it is. Should I go to the doctor?? I thought maybe it was a bee sting, but then the lines appeared, and my boyfriend thinks it could be a brown recluse bite. The red lines appeared around 6pm. Thanks!




  1. If you can safely take an antihistamine, try that.  If it continues to spread wider during the night or if you lose the ability to use your arm then yes go to the hospital Especialy if you start feeling like your getting a flu. If it is just tender then that is normal for any bite.

  2. Did you feel it when you first got it? It could be a wasp sting, or hornet, which means doctor asap

  3. If you are getting red lines, then you need to see a doctor asap, it doesn't matter what bit/stung you. Red lines going down/up on any part of your body that has been bit/stung is a sign to see a doctor.

  4. Yes, you need to go to a doctor.  Bites like these are nothing to fool around with.  Good luck!

  5. IF you didnt feel a sting, it may not be a bite. There is a Staph infection (MRSA) that is almost at epidemic proportions in our country, at least in the north texas region. Go to the ER tonight and get it checked out. From the pic I would say it looks as though it could be a staph infection, not just a bite. Then again it could be a bad bite. Get it checked out.

  6. I agree with everyone else. Go to the doctor as soon as you can. Red lines can mean infection. I have never seen a bite like this but, it looks like you may be allergic to whatever bit you. That does look serious.

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