
Should I be worried and nervous about an ASDA interview?

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well i have an ASDA interview in a couple of days and im feeling pretty nervous.

has anyone been to one?

i know what we all do and stuff but im just really nervous.

just tolet you know im 16 and this will be my first proper interview and im so nervous!


thanks for any answers




  1. if its a job as asda u wont have the smartest person to interview and most likely they'll be bored and disinterested anyway. so just chill out and be yourself.  

  2. i worked for asda and found the interview ok  you have nothing to worry about,you will probably go for what they call a group selection, where you sit in a big circle and tell them about yourself, you also have to act out certain scenarios which can be hilarious a very relaxed atmosphere, if you get picked out the group selection then you are on your way, then they will show you what you are meant to do,nothing to it.  good luck  

  3. haha i can answer this i wrk 4 asda in portsmouth and i can tell u it was the most embarassing interview ever we had 2 get in2 groups of 3 n take a product tht asda sell and make an advert and my group got spam!!!! was me a really old guy and a skinny little geek i was soo embarassed but knew tht if i was 2 get a job (and god i needed 1) i had 2 do it so i did i sang my luill heart out n i got the job!! so 2 refresh b prepared 2 sing dance and make an advert about SPAM!!! haha good luck x

  4. I see all shapes and sizes working at Asda.

    They aren't too fussy so long as you have got a helpful manner and a good work ethic.

  5. Any interview goes pretty much the same; all they're looking for is a friendly personality, someone who appears smart, sensible and dependable. Try not to fidget or use manerisms (twitching etc), maintain eye contact and don't lie about anything (it's not worth getting found out later). Try to learn a bit about the company before you get there, it'll impress the interviewer if you've done a little homework on them. Lastly and most importantly.... RELAX!!! be yourself and enjoy it. Look at the rest of the candidates and pick holes in them! That way you'll feel better about yourself and be more confident.

    Don't worry, you'll do fine.

  6. the first asda interview is a group interview you'll get asked to build a house of cards and write about the person beside you its all about showing you can work as part of a team its dead easy youve nothing to worry about you build a house of cards then you have to put an object in it and build round it its easy honestly just show your willing to participate and talk with everyone else who's there

  7. be yourself... its a group interview usually and even if it isnt for you as long as you can show you are a team player..emphasise that you appreciate teamwork and demonstrate that to them if it is a group interview..they want to see teamwork and communication more than anything

  8. Awww, bless you. Im sure you will be fine! Just be yourself is my general advice for any interview. And dress smartly. Presentation is everything at an interview!

    Good luck!

  9. asda interview all sorts of people all the time and understand that some people are nervous and make allowances so don't worry you will be fine

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