
Should I be worried if my baby has a strong smell to her urine?

by Guest64758  |  earlier

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She is 5mo old, and just started eating cereal and have added fruit.




  1. I would check with her pedi to make sure she doesn't have a UTI.  If she doesn't then it must just be from the new foods, but definately check with her doc.

  2. possible urine infection

  3. Does she have any other symptoms?  Is the colour dark yellow?  Sometimes new foods will alter the smell.  If she has a fever, I'd be worried about a bladder infection.  If she seems fine otherwise, I wouldn't worry too much, but I might up her fluid intake for a feeding or two just to be sure.  Good Luck!

  4. If it smells like urine (just stronger) then it could be that she isn't hydrated enough.

  5. Make sure she is drinking enough. sounds like she could be dehydrated. urine has a darker color and  a stronger smell when a person is dehydrated.  a urinary tract infection could be a possibility as well. Up her fluids for a day and see if that makes a difference. If not, have her checked out by your doctor just to be sure.  

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