
Should I be worried...?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I really like this boy that goes to my school. And for the past few months I have been thinking that he liked me back. Some of my friends even thought the same. He gave me signs like staring into my eyes and nowhere else, he shows off alot in front of me, he seems to get embarrassed alot in front of me, Once and a while when I walk into a classroom and he is standing there his eyes will get real big when he see's me, ETC. But anyways a few days ago my myspace account got hacked. And the hacker sent out this comment to all my myspace friends (the boy I like is one of my friends on myspace). They comment was kind of little and was blue, with these words on it that said profile tracker and stalker protection. Every single one of my friends approved the comment , but he did not. Thats just one of the bad signs that he gave me. Another thing is that my one cousin John went to a block party. And the boy I like was there. So him and John started talking. John was like "Hey, do you know Courtney and Nicole?" (Courtney is me and Nicole is my twin sister) He was like "Yeah, they like me." (I like him but Nicole does not). And I know for a fact that he knew that I only liked him. Do you think that he just got Nicole and I mixed up because we do look alike? Or do you think that he really does think that both of us like him? Also, why would he deny that myspace comment? (The comment was sent out like 5 days ago, and he just got on yesterday for the first time in a while)

I'm sorry that it was so long! And I am also sorry for seeming like a big worrier. Trust me I get that alot. It's just these things have been in my head and I can not stop thinking about them. I mean I really like this boy. Thanks so much for your help! And please no rude answers!




  1. ok its a myspace comment!!! and it got sent to him because your profile was hacked!! honestly i see those comments and i wouldnt approve them, because they can hack into your profile then too... so its proabably a good thing he didnt. and honestly you need to chill out and just relax, act natural around him dont let him think its buggin because then he might just try to play a mind game with you

  2. did you ever talk to him about you guys liking eachotherr or him likeing you ? to me it can mean 1 of 2 things

    1. hes the type that plays games with girls

    2. he got you and your sis confused ( but why wuld he say they BOTH like me ? )

    if i was you i would just be straight out vwith him and talk to him and once you feel comfortable ask him these questionss .

    best of luck =]

  3. Maybe he dosn't want all that spam and advertizing on his profile. I don't accept comments like that either. As for the block party thing, I think he really does think that both of you like him.

  4. he knew that u only liked him but he said both of u did so he probably just didnt want ur cousin to ask if he likes u back, i have a twin bro and he does that too.

  5. yes. be very worried. sleep with one eye open. he is clearly out to get you. and anyone who declines a myspace comment is no friend of mine!

  6. he probably knew you wouldnt send

    out stalker things so he didnt approve. so just chill:].

    he probably does get confused but ask your sister about why he

    would even think she liked him.

  7. i dont think that the myspace comment is a bad sign but the fact that he said "they like me" may be a problem.

    i think that you should just have one of your friends talk to him and ask him.

    he sounds like a player to me though.

    Best of Luck :]

  8. to him...........then you will be free from worry,

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