
Should I be worried that my boy friend listens to Tom Leykis?

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My boy friend listens to this radio talk show guy by the name of Tom Leykis. I really don't like that guy. He talks about women being the same as urinals and thinks that most women are dumb b*****s. He is a male chauvinistic pig in my book. My boy friend loves to listen to him. What should I do?

If you don't know who he is, here is a sample of his show and what he normally talks about:




  1. i wouldnt be unless he startes to act differnlty around u but if your bf a nice guy who really cares about u i would be too worried but if startes to change then i would  

  2. oh myy goodness, lol.

    i hope your bf isnt swayed easily.



  3. just make sure that your man aint trying to be like that stupid dude....that way he can listen to what every he pleases and you and him dont break up cause of it.

  4. Yes. Tom is the same age I am. He scares me. He's my age (graduated from high school the same year I did). Don't judge all 51 year old men on him. He doesn't respect women or many other people, for that matter.

  5. OMG I hate the @$$hole he's a sexist pig  

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